How to Relieve Pain from Acrylic Nails: Quick and Easy Tips

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Acrylic nails can be a stylish and fun option to enhance your natural nails, but sometimes they can cause discomfort or even pain. If you’ve ever wondered how to relieve pain from acrylic nails, you’ve come to the right place. Acrylic nail pain can be caused by various factors, such as nail bed damage, thinning of the natural nails, or improper application of the nails themselves.

The good news is that there are effective ways to manage and prevent this discomfort.

Understanding the causes of pain from acrylic nails and learning how to handle it is essential to ensure that you can enjoy your acrylics without unnecessary discomfort. Implementing home remedies and following proper application techniques will help significantly reduce or eliminate any pain or discomfort associated with acrylic nails.


Key Takeaways

  • Be aware of the causes and various methods for relieving pain from acrylic nails
  • Practice proper application techniques and care for your natural nails to minimize discomfort
  • Seek medical attention if pain persists or worsens, as it may indicate an underlying issue

Causes of Pain from Acrylic Nails

Acrylic nails can be a fun and fashionable way to express your creativity. However, you might experience some pain or discomfort during or after the application process. There are several potential causes for this pain, and understanding them can help you take better care of your nails.

Nail Infection

One common cause of pain from acrylic nails is a nail infection. Infections could occur if bacteria find their way into your nail bed or around your cuticles. This can result in redness, swelling, and discomfort in and around your nail. And if you notice a smell after you remove an acrylic nail, there’s a good chance you’ve got an infection.

This can happen if you get water under the beds, potentially from washing dishes or other excess water exposure

Nail Damage

Another possible reason for pain is damage to your natural nails. Your nail technician might unintentionally cause damage during the nail preparation process. If they file down your natural nails too aggressively, it could make your nails thinner and more sensitive.

Excessive filing or applying too much pressure during the application of acrylics can lead to pain and discomfort.

It’s also possible you’ve hit your nail against something, which is causing it to throb and pulse in pain.

Poor Application

Improper application of acrylic nails can also put pressure on your natural nails. This pressure can be uncomfortable and cause pain in your nail bed. Poorly fitted acrylics or improperly applied tips result in pressure points that cause ongoing pain. Yes, you can DIY acrylic nails, but it’s often best to go to a salon to have them done and removed.

Allergic Reaction

Swelling and redness may also be signs of an allergic reaction to the chemicals used in the acrylic nail application. Allergic reactions could range from mild irritation to more severe symptoms, so it’s important to be aware of possible allergies to the products used.

It’s essential to choose a reputable and experienced nail technician to minimize the risk of these issues. However, if you’re experiencing pain or discomfort from your acrylic nails, reach out to your technician for further guidance and possible remedies.

Preventing Pain During Application

Relieving pain from acrylic nails begins with taking steps to prevent it during the application process. Working with a skilled and reputable nail technician can ensure a proper application that minimizes the chances of discomfort.

Make sure to request a nail primer before the application of acrylic nails. This will help strengthen your natural nails and reduce damage, making the entire process more comfortable for your skin and nail bed.

When selecting materials for your acrylic nails, opt for high-quality products. This will not only lead to more durable fake nails but also reduce the risk of lifting, cracks, and nail pain.

During the manicure, be communicative about your preferences and concerns to ensure you achieve healthy nails you enjoy displaying. Choose the length and shape of your acrylic nails wisely; avoiding excessively long or pointy tips can help prevent pain due to added weight and the risk of shrinking.

Finally, maintain a firm seal between your natural nail and the acrylic nail to help prevent lifting and minimize discomfort. This can be achieved by maintaining a proper application technique and using appropriate adhesives.

By following these tips, you can greatly reduce the likelihood of experiencing pain from your acrylic nails and enjoy a beautiful, comfortable manicure.

Managing Pain After Acrylic Nails

Experiencing discomfort or throbbing pain after getting acrylic nails is not uncommon. There are a few ways you can manage and prevent pain. In this section, we’ll discuss some methods to help you alleviate any discomforts.

Cold Compress

If you feel a tightening sensation around your nail beds, try using a cold compress. Hold it against your nails for a few minutes to help reduce the pain. You can also prepare a warm soapy water solution mixed with Epsom salt and soak your nails in it. This technique can provide relief and help prevent any itching or irritation.

Avoid Acetone-Based Nail Polish Removers

After acrylic nails installation, your nails may become weak or sensitive. To avoid further damage, it’s best to steer clear from using acetone-based nail polish removers, as they can irritate your nails.

Instead, opt for gentle, acetone-free alternatives when you need to remove your nail polish.

Care For Your Cuticles

Make sure to keep your nails properly trimmed and maintained. Use a cuticle pusher to gently push back the cuticles, keeping them healthy and free from injury. Keeping your nails well-moisturized with cuticle oil is another useful tip to prevent pain and promote nail health. Apply the oil regularly to prevent dryness and give your nails the extra care they need after acrylics installation.

In case you experience persistent pain or suspect an injury, it’s important to seek medical attention. A professional will be able to diagnose any potential issues and provide appropriate treatment for your nails.

Talk To Your Nail Tech

Always remember to communicate with your nail technician during the application process. If you feel any discomfort, let them know, so they can adjust their techniques accordingly. This can help minimize the chances of pain after your acrylic nails are installed.

When to Seek Medical Attention

Friendly reminder: it’s essential to know when to seek medical attention if you’re experiencing pain from acrylic nails. If your pain is persistent and doesn’t improve with at-home remedies, it’s time to consult a professional.

Pay close attention to any signs of infection, such as irritated or swollen skin surrounding the nail. You may also notice pus or discharge from the area. In some cases, a fever might accompany these symptoms. When this occurs, don’t hesitate to visit a healthcare provider to prevent further complications.

Torn, split, or cracked nails can be quite painful and concerning. If you’re unable to deal with the situation on your own, seek professional help to avoid causing additional damage. Remember that a professional will have the appropriate tools and experience to handle the issue effectively.

Dermatitis or any other kind of skin irritation might develop after applying acrylic nails. This can be a sign of an allergic reaction or sensitivity to the chemicals used. If the redness and inflammation persist, contact your dermatologist or primary care physician. They can provide you with guidance on the best course of treatment for your situation.

Lastly, if you notice any bleeding or open wounds around your nails, don’t ignore it. These situations require prompt attention to prevent infection and promote proper healing. Reach out to a healthcare provider or nail technician for assistance.

Keeping these recommendations in mind, you can ensure that you address any concerning symptoms promptly and maintain healthy nails. Remember, it’s better to be safe than sorry when dealing with acrylic nail pain or complications.

Home Remedies for Acrylic Nail Pain Relief

Sometimes, acrylic nails can hurt due to factors like improper application, over-filing during the prep process, or allergic reactions to the chemicals in the nail primer. Nevertheless, there are some friendly, easy, and effective home remedies you can try to relieve the pain and discomfort from your acrylic nails.

First, if you suspect an allergic reaction, try to identify the specific chemical causing the issue and avoid using it in the future. For now, though, soaking your nails in warm soapy water mixed with Epsom salt can help relieve the soreness and reduce inflammation. Doing this for about 10-15 minutes daily should provide some much-needed relief.

Another great remedy for acrylic nail pain is keeping your nails moisturized with a good-quality cuticle oil. This can not only help alleviate the pain but also prevent potential fungal infections. Fungi often thrive in dry, damaged nails, so regular application of cuticle oil is crucial.

You can even make your own DIY cuticle oil, it’s easy.

If your acrylic nails are hurting due to tightening or trauma, it might be a sign that it’s time to remove them. Make sure you follow a safe removal process, such as soaking your nails in acetone with the help of cotton balls and aluminum foil, instead of forcefully removing or biting them.

You can try to remove them without acetone, but it’s generally best to have them removed at a salon. Of course, that’s not cheap!

Lastly, it’s important to remember that prevention is key. To minimize the chances of acrylic nail pain, ensure that your nails are applied by a professional. It’s also a good idea to avoid using your nails as tools which can cause injury, ultimately leading to pain and discomfort.

With these remedies and tips, you should be able to manage and prevent acrylic nail pain while enjoying your beautiful, stylish nails.

Caring for Your Natural Nails

After getting acrylic nails from a nail salon, it’s crucial to care for your natural nails to prevent any sensitivity and promote healthy nail growth.

Here are some friendly tips on how to do that.

First and foremost, make sure to moisturize your nails and cuticles. Nail glue and other nail tools can cause dryness and make your nails weaker. Apply cuticle oil regularly to keep them hydrated and promote growth. You can find some great cuticle oil recommendations online.

If you’re experiencing pain or sensitivity after acrylic nails, try soaking your fingers in a mixture of warm water and Epsom salt. Avoid using hot water, as it can make your natural nails more sensitive. This will help alleviate any discomfort and keep your nails clean.

Visiting a skilled nail technician is essential, especially when it comes to removing acrylic nails. Inappropriate removal techniques can result in damage to the natural nails. So, ensure that you find a professional who can perform the procedures correctly.

It’s essential to avoid the temptation of picking at your acrylic nails once they start to lift. Picking can lead to weakened natural nails or even infections. If you suspect an allergic reaction to acrylic nails, consult a dermatologist or your nail technician for advice and alternative options.

Wrapping Up

In this article, we’ve provided helpful tips on how to relieve pain from acrylic nails. Remember, it’s essential to take proper care of your nails and not ignore any discomfort you might experience.

One effective way to alleviate pain is by applying a cold compress to the affected area. This method helps reduce both pain and swelling. A simple home remedy that has been proven effective.

Additionally, it’s important to be aware of potential causes of acrylic nail pain, such as an allergic reaction or improper nail preparation. Knowing these causes will help you prevent them in the future and ensure a more enjoyable experience with your acrylic nails.

Lastly, don’t hesitate to consult with a professional if the pain persists or worsens. They can provide expert advice and recommend appropriate solutions tailored to your specific needs.

So, with these tips in mind, you can confidently enjoy the beauty of acrylic nails without unnecessary discomfort. Happy nail care!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it normal for acrylic nails to hurt the first day?

Yes, it’s normal for acrylic nails to feel a bit sore or uncomfortable during the first day or two. This is because your natural nails are adjusting to the added weight and tightness of the acrylics. The discomfort usually subsides within a few days as your nails adapt to the acrylics.

How can I alleviate throbbing pain under my nails?

To alleviate throbbing pain under your nails, you can try soaking your hands in a warm water and Epsom salt mixture. Fill a bowl with warm water, add 1-2 tablespoons of Epsom salt, and soak your hands for 15-20 minutes. Repeat this process once or twice a day as needed to help relieve the pain. source

What remedies are available for sore nails after getting acrylics?

There are a few remedies you can try for sore nails after getting acrylics. Soaking your nails in warm water mixed with Epsom salt can provide relief. Additionally, applying cuticle oil to your acrylic nails can help keep them moisturized and prevent infections. source

How long does it usually take for acrylic nail pain to subside?

Acrylic nail pain typically subsides within a few days as your natural nails adjust to the weight and tightness of the acrylics. If the pain persists or worsens, it’s a good idea to consult a professional nail technician to address any potential issues with your acrylics.

What can I do to stop my nails from hurting after getting acrylics?

If your acrylic nails are hurting, it could be due to tightness or improper application. To stop the pain, visit a professional nail technician to have your acrylics adjusted or removed. Avoid attempting to fix the problem yourself, as it may exacerbate the issue. source

How to soothe sore nails after acrylics removal?

After removing acrylics, your natural nails may feel sore or weak. To help soothe them, you can nourish your nails by applying a nourishing cuticle oil and moisturizing your hands regularly. Additionally, consider incorporating biotin and omega-3-rich foods into your daily diet to strengthen your nails. source

Written by Cecilia Torres

Cece is Luxe Luminous' resident hair care expert and a professional freelance makeup artist and hairstylist. Alongside her extensive beauty expertise, Cecilia's love for her dog and her passion for personal styling make her a cherished member of our team, continually inspiring our readers to explore and enhance their unique hair aesthetics.