Can You Use Aloe Vera Gel On Your Hair Every Day? Will Daily Use Harm Your Hair?

fresh aloe vera leaves and aloe vera juice in bottle glass on white background
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The versatility of the aloe vera plant is breathtaking. Aside from its use in skincare and sunburn recovery, it is also a fantastic hair application product! Aloe vera is filled with amino acids, minerals, and vitamins that are integral in promoting hair growth, soothing scaly scalps, and moisturizing dried locks. 

In addition, you can use aloe vera as an after-wash conditioner where you apply it to the roots to boost hair growth or come up with a lovely spa day relaxation mask at home.

But can you use aloe vera gel on your hair every day? You may not want to use it daily unless you’re really careful with your routine.

We’ll discuss it below!


Can You Use Aloe Vera Gel on Your Every Day?

Yes. Technically, it is okay to use the gel daily for your hair.

This becomes particularly important when your hair is brittle and dry. This is because it does not have cleaning agents and harsh chemicals that could damage the hair shaft. 

However, there are several restrictions to this.

For one, using undiluted, raw aloe vera gel daily could make your hair sticky, especially if you fail to rinse it correctly following the application. Therefore, you should avoid leaving aloe vera in the hair for hours daily — aloe’s not a leave-in conditioner!

It is advisable to do an aloe vera mask before the wash day about once or twice weekly. 

Using undiluted, raw aloe vera gel daily could make your hair sticky, especially if you fail to rinse it correctly following the application.

Additionally, you should avoid jumping right into using aloe vera in your day-to-day routine without considering possible allergies.

If it is your first-time using aloe vera, carry out a patch test on your arm. If the outcome of the test is rash development or becoming super itchy, stay away from it. 

A key watch-out for aloe vera overuse is hygral fatigue or hair over-moisturization. This happens if your hair becomes too hydrated and lacks sufficient protein and may lead to significant frizz and a tacky texture. Many run into this when using a regular conditioner as a substitute for leave-in conditioner.

You should be all set after balancing it out with protein treatment.

If your hair is thin and fine, you may find your hair gets weighed down and lifeless by aloe vera if used daily. This may result in hair heaviness, making it seem flat and with zero volume and body.

This look is not good, even for moisturized hair. 

Using Aloe Vera Daily on Your Hair: How Should You Do It?

Do you own an aloe vera plant?

If you do, then today is your lucky day! We will tell you how to reap maximum benefit from it. Aside from acting as a garden or house decoration, it can be an essential tool in daily moisturizing your hair. 

As mentioned above, daily usage of aloe vera can dehydrate hair.

The product is natural and free of chemicals and toxins. You will need to extract the aloe vera gel from the plant’s leaves. And if you do not own such a plant, take the recommendation of buying one seriously – it’s way cheaper than continually buying gel, and they look awesome!

You have two different means of using aloe vera gel every day. We begin with the simplest. 

1. Using Aloe Vera Gel for Frizz Control

You are wondering why your hair frizzes? The reason is it is not sufficiently moisturized. Aloe vera gel restores the lost moisture following daily application as a styling cream, not rinsing it off.

However, you should avoid overdoing it. 

The hair does not get frizzy by overusing aloe vera, but it can become completely stiff. Several aloe vera drops are sufficient to prevent frizz. Put a portion of the gel in your palm and rub it between your palms to distribute it better on your hair. 

The hair does not get frizzy by overusing aloe vera, but it can become completely stiff.

Apply a small amount of aloe vera gel to loose hair and gently massage it, then comb the hair without rinsing it out.

Using aloe vera gel daily will enable you to control frizz and realize healthier and neater hair. So if you hate frizz and want to try using aloe to fix it, give this a shot! 

2. Add Aloe Vera Gel to Your Regular Daily Shampoo and Mix

All you must do is mix several aloe vera gel drops with your usual shampoo. The gel penetrates your hair fiber, moisturizes it, and prevents a frizzy appearance. Usually you want to leave the shampoo on your hair for approximately four minutes.

Add a couple of aloe vera gel drops to your hair conditioner for even better results.  

Add a couple of aloe vera gel drops to your hair conditioner for even better results.  

These are two of the ways aloe vera can be used daily. You can also reap maximum benefit from it with homemade masks. Below are the detailed recipes.

Homemade Gel Masks for Use Three Times Per Week

You can mix aloe vera with other ingredients to create different hair masks. Here are a few options

1. Aloe vera nutritive mask to boost hair texture

Mix three tablespoons of aloe vera with two tablespoons of coconut.

Apply the combination to the hair and let it stay for an hour.

Rinse, then dry.

Use such masks three times per week to achieve stronger, soft textured, and more nourished hair. 

2. Aloe vera strengthening mask to combat hair loss and dandruff

Mix two tablespoons of aloe vera with two tablespoons of honey.

Apply the whole mixture to the hair and let it stay for about 20 minutes.

Rinse using a lot of water.

After using the mask for three weeks, you will realize that the hair falls less often, and hair is not left behind in your hairbrush after combing the hair. 

3. Aloe vera moisturizing mask to make hair shinier and reduce frizz

Mix three tablespoons of aloe vera with two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.

Apply the concoction to the hair beginning from the roots to the tip, without forgetting the scalp!

Let it stay for about 20 minutes and rinse using a lot of warm water.

With the mask, the result is immediately different hair having a significant shine and without the frizz.

4. Aloe vera mask to make hair oily 

Comb the hair using a middle part to expose your roots. 

Using a dye brush, apply aloe vera to the scalp and roots. It would be best to get a wet sensation all over your head.

Let it stay for about half an hour, then rinse and wash the hair using your regular shampoo.

Using the mask three times per week for one month makes you realize significantly less oily hair since aloe vera aids in balancing the scalp’s pH.


Aloe vera gel can be used on your hair for significant hair health benefits including hydration and frizz control. However, you should take care to avoid using too much, and don’t leave it on for too long.

Additionally, check for any allergic reaction before use.

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).