How Long Does Botox Last The First Time?

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Botox is a popular treatment because of its ease of access, affordability, and quality of results. It will give you a youthful appearance and eliminate wrinkles when used properly. 

The only disadvantage is that Botox treatments are temporary. In reality, you’ll never complete your Botox treatment the first time. After you’ve completed your first treatment, you’ll have to schedule another appointment to ensure that the Botox treatment is working. 

This article answers the question “How Long Does Botox Last The First Time?”. We’ll give you a clear overview of the average length of a Botox procedure and how long it lasts after treatment. 


How Long Does Botox Last The First Time? – Short Answer

Expect your Botox injections to vary based on the initial conditions of your first treatment. For most first-time Botox users, you’ll probably start to see the facial movements (and wrinkles) begin to return after about 90 days.

After repeated Botox treatments, the length will increase to four months, and potentially even further than that.

When getting your first Botox injection, expect to see movement in your facial muscles within the 3rd month, with the Botox process fading almost completely after a few more months. Note that even if you stop treatment, your skin won’t end up worse than if you hadn’t used Botox at all.

You’ll see the results from your treatment kick in about 7 days after initial treatment, and hold steady for 3-4 months after treatment.

Since this is your first treatment, you’re going to have to reapply Botox injections until the desired results are met. 

How Long Does Botox Last The First Time? – Explanation

How Long Does Botox Last The First Time?  To explain, Botox takes longer to get started for first-time patients because it takes time for the toxins to block the nerve muscles. 

Most first-time users will go back two weeks later for a follow-up. During this stage, the doctor can determine if you need additional treatment. Forehead Botox treatment is similar to most procedures and will take up to six months to fully recover. 

When in use, Botox restricts and paralyzes the facial muscles in your skin. Once there is movement in your facial muscles, the wrinkles will reappear.

Chances are you’ll need more Botox units for an effective treatment. However, this doesn’t increase its effectiveness. 

With continuous Botox treatments, you’ll notice a reduction in facial wrinkles. You’ll see the complete results of your treatments after 6 months.

If it’s your first time using Botox, understand that you won’t get optimal results in your first visit. It will take multiple treatments to ensure that your facial muscles are recovered and relaxed. 

What is Botox?

Botox is a neurotoxin protein that’s used to relax your facial muscles. Botox is used for medical settings for various reasons, including preventing migraines, jaw pain, and armpit sweat.

But when it comes to skin care, Botox is most known for softening facial lines in cosmetic applications. 

After a successful Botox injection, the dynamic wrinkle lines on the face are removed (see static vs dynamic wrinkles for details)

Botox is used for the forehead lines, sides of the eye, and frown lines. It can remove up to 5-7 years off your facial appearance when done properly. 

How Long Are Botox Injections?

Usually, Botox injections last for around 15 minutes. If it’s your first procedure, the surgeon might take longer to assess your future goals following the Botox treatment.

After the treatment, you’ll experience minor results within 24-48 hours.

You’ll experience the full effect 1-2 weeks post-treatment.

If you have a public event that you have to prepare for, it’s best to tell your care provider about it 2-3 weeks in advance.

That way, you can see the final result of the treatment and ensure everything is looking good. 

How to Prolong Botox Treatment Effects?

Botox treatment effects work, but the treatment effects will vary based on your actions. Here are some ways to prolong your Botox results. 

Short Term Treatment

For short-term treatments, zinc supplements have been used to speed the efficacy of your Botox treatment. Based on a 2012 study, Dr. Charles Sopokar stated that over 44 patients who used zinc 4 days before the initial Botox injections experienced better results.

This is because the botulinum toxin is a part of a group of enzymes derived from zinc. 

 Long Term Treatment

When using Botox, regular treatments lead to better results over time. In a recent study, administering Botox in 4-month intervals over 2 years led to better results. 

Remember, your facial muscles are the strongest during the initial Botox injection. This means you’ll have to make recurring visits to ensure that the treatment is working properly for your skin.

To prolong the effect of your Botox injections, stick with one Botox service provider. Also, it’s best to receive injections when your previous treatment is wearing off. This ensures that the muscles are relaxed, and you can move your face with ease. 

The results will last longer after multiple sessions because your skin will have more time to revive the mucus and skin.

Since Botox treatments tend to wear off quickly for first-timers, figure you will want to schedule your next appointment 2-3 months after your first treatment. Of course, your provider will give you guidance.

What to Expect During Your First Botox Treatment?

Like many cosmetic care treaments, your first Botox treatment can be uncomfortable and anxiety-inducing at first.

However, through proper communication and scheduling, you’ll have long-term results. Here are some things to expect to ensure your treatment goes smoothly. 

Planning the Botox Setting

Your Botox results will depend on the experience and skill of the provider. Make sure you take time with your selecting a Botox provider. 

A good Botox provider will have specialized training and certifications. Also, check the practitioner’s online reviews to verify that other patients have had positive experiences with them. 

With anything, you have to be careful with what you pay for. Remember, you’re getting toxins injected into your face. That’s probably not the place to compromise quality for a lower price. 

When planning your Botox treatment, start thinking about the aftercare process.

When making a Botox appointment, the effects will appear 2-3 weeks after the initial injection.

Schedule accordingly if you need to have a series of Botox injections around an event (i.e., wedding, family reunion, etc). 


Before receiving Botox injections, your aesethetic provider will sit down with you and discuss the procedure and how it will affect you.

At this stage, feel free to ask them about their qualifications, the effectiveness of the treatment, and how to come up with a good aftercare plan.

During the Botox Procedure

When getting your first injection, you’ll feel a mild stinging sensation. Speak to your provider, and communicate your comfort levels during treatment.

If you’re getting treatment in the armpits, expect to experience more pain than facial injections. Your Botox provider will suggest a topical anesthetic to ensure that the treatment goes smoothly. 

Botox Units

To complete a successful Botox treatment, you’ll need around 15-24 units. For forehead treatment, expect to have 20 units before results start to show. Botox is often priced out on a per-unit basis.

Exercise Before Your Botox Appointment

Before undergoing your treatment, it’s better to exercise to get your muscles active.

Botox is delivered to your provider in powder form and is mixed with saline before refrigeration. Due to Botox’s liquid nature, there is a potential risk that the Botox solution can move from its targeted location. 

After the Botox Treatment

Once you’ve completed your first Botox treatment, you might experience minor swelling or redness at the site. Some patients experience minor headaches. Fortunately, the side effects tend to subside in a few hours after the operation. 

Don’t lie down for approximately 2-4 hours, and avoid pressing and prodding the affected area. Touching and applying pressure to the Botox area might move the treatment away from the targeted region. 

Practice facial exercises 1 hour after treatment. Smiling, frowning, and other facial expressions will help keep your muscles responsive and mobile. 

How To Schedule Your First Botox Appointment

If it’s your first Botox treatment, you’ll probably be nervous throughout the process. This is the first step of your self-care journey, and your practitioner will help you along the way. 

Make sure to schedule your treatment in advance. After your first injection, your muscles will begin to move once again about 12 weeks later. When you experience muscle movement, then you’ll want to schedule a follow-up appointment before your wrinkles reappear. 

After your first appointment, wait 2-3 months before your next treatment session. Doing so will give you a wrinkle-free appearance so that the results don’t wear off over time.

Having a consistent treatment schedule allows you to have a youthful appearance and not worry about wrinkles coming back. 

Can Your Metabolism Affect Your Botox Results?

After your first injection, your body will gradually metabolize the ingredients placed in your system. Your injection will eventually be metabolized entirely, and your muscles will look the same as they were before treatment. 

As stated earlier, your Botox results will vary based on your body. Some people will experience treatment results within the next 3 months, while others will take 4-6 months.

Some people can wait longer than 6 months between treatments before needing to schedule another appointment, particuarly if they’ve been doing it for a while. 

Once your treatment is completed, you’ll notice how your body reacts to Botox. This will help you and your care provider decide how long you should wait for your next treatment.


If it is your first time, your Botox injection will last about 3 months. Once your muscles start to move again and your wrinkles begin to reappear, you’ll want to have another series of injections to keep everthing looking good.

By scheduling frequent Botox sessions, you’ll increase its longevity and its effectiveness on your skin. 

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).