Black Hair With Brown Eyebrows: Is It a Good Combination?

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Maybe your hair is just naturally darker than your brows. Or maybe you have naturally-brown hair and eyebrows, and dyed your hair black.

What do you do with your brows? Is black hair with brown eyebrows a good combination?

When you just crave beautiful hair color, don’t forget the brows! Some shades can make your brows stand out — but not in a good way. It’s generally best to aim for unity between your brow color and your hair color, but you don’t have to.

There are a few options available to you…

  • Just go with the mismatched look. There is no rule that says they can’t be matched.
  • Dye your hair based on the color of your eyebrows.
  • Color your eyebrows to match your dyed hair color

There is nothing wrong with choosing any of these options. You create your own style. But for those who still aren’t comfortable, here is some guidance.


Black Hair With Brown Eyebrows: Go Dark!

The general consensus among stylists is that you should have darker eyebrows than your hair — unless you have jet black tresses. This will give you the most organic look.

The general consensus among stylists is that you should have darker eyebrows than your hair — unless you have jet black tresses. This will give you the most organic look.

Just don’t make the mistake of going too dark. Instead, avoid a harsh contrast between your mane and your color by choosing a shade that is just one shade darker. 

If you have darker hair than eyebrows, your brows will be overwhelmed by your hair color, and they will get lost in the mix. They can look too subdued and will take the emphasis off of your eyes.

Soft Brows Are Perfect for Black Hair

There is only one exception for having eyebrows darker than your hair color: black hair. This is because dark black hair may appear too harsh on some skin tones. For those who relate to that, you may desire a softer brow. 

You can darken and soften your eyebrows using a soft dark brown or black pencil. This may be better than trying to use a deep black. 

If you go from brown to black, you might be able to leave your brow color as it is. This will be determined by the shade, of course. Leave your eyebrows alone if they already have a darker shade.

They will complement your new style perfectly.

In contrast, if your hair color is going from light brown to black, your eyebrows may need to be darkened. 

If your hair color is going from light brown to black, your eyebrows may need to be darkened. 

An eyebrow pencil can be used to accomplish this (see below). Make sure the tone of your hair matches the tone of your skin and the style you’re wearing.

In contrast, if you switch completely from white blonde to raven black, you’re in for a lot of hard work. You will find it difficult to make this change, particularly if you aren’t naturally blonde.

Dying blonde hair black can be challenging, and you may require two or three sessions to achieve the right shade of black.

Going From Blonde to Black?

For natural blondes going black, it might be necessary to dye their eyebrows, as they are likely to be too light.

For natural blondes going black, it might be necessary to dye their eyebrows, as they are likely to be too light.

However, dying your brows lighter looks completely weird and off-putting. Therefore, this advice is essential for you to follow.

If You Plan to Bleach Your Eyebrows, Be Aware of the Following:

 Your eyebrows may appear orange after bleaching. This happens commonly when going from dark hair to blonde, and is resolved by using a toner, resulting in uneven growth.

Over the next six to twelve months, it will cause many problems, even though it seems like a good idea.

What Hair Color Goes Well With Brown Eyebrows?

It’s impossible not to look good with brown eyebrows and blonde hair. You just have to find the right shade. Blonde hair must be soothed a bit to match darker eyebrows, perhaps with a shade a bit lighter than your brows.

A warm look will result from this.

Are Eyebrow Colors Determined by Your Age?

Our younger generation follows the latest fashion trends by taking inspiration from the stars they love (whose styles change so quickly).

This has resulted in younger people being more adventurous with color, trying out more dramatic hair and eyebrow colors.

In general, older people prefer a more natural-looking brow. In most cases, they prefer something subtle, avoiding anything too dramatic. If you don’t have Tik Tok installed on your phone, we recommend sticking to one or two shades darker or lighter than their natural shade to maintain a sophisticated, graceful look.

If you don’t have Tik Tok installed on your phone, we recommend sticking to one or two shades darker or lighter than their natural shade to maintain a sophisticated, graceful look.

Can I Dye My Eyebrows With Hair Dye?

Make sure you don’t use permanent hair dye. The skin around your eyes is much more sensitive to scalp dyes. Your fragile eyelid skin may be damaged, which may result in the loss of your eyebrows.

You can also get eye damage from hair dye if you get it in your eyes.

There are eyebrow dyes intended for this purpose. They are safer for the delicate skin around the eyes.

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If you can’t get these, you can use semi-permanent beard dyes. Beard dyes are specifically formulated for facial skin and to dye fine hair-like eyebrows.

Using a little leftover hair dye on your brows may be tempting, but it isn’t worth the risk. 

There are eyebrow dyes intended for this purpose. They are safer for the delicate skin around the eyes.

Can You Color Your Eyebrows with Eyeliner or Eyeshadow?

Yes, it is often much easier to color your brows with an eyeliner or eyeshadow than to dye them — particularly if your hair dye is only semi-permanent and you’re not going to keep it for a long time.

See this video for the basics on how to color your brows with eyeliner:


The perfect eyebrow dye doesn’t mean changing everything about your appearance, especially in the case of eyebrow dye.

The same long-lasting effect can be achieved with an easier method – eyebrow pencils. It allows you to try out different shades and decide which is right for you without using chemicals. If not you can go with whatever you like.

You never know. It might become a new trend.

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).