Do Bangs Cause Acne? Forehead Acne Frustration!

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Oh, the dreaded acne. It’s a teenager’s nightmare! Although most of us may think that it’s just a phase and you outgrow it beyond your teenage years, acne has many different causes and frequently happens to adults. 

Figuring out the triggers and causes of your acne can help you control the breakouts. There are many different things… bangs? really? Do bangs cause acne?

Bangs could cause acne or contribute to an acne breakout on the forehead for some people. That’s the reason why not all people who have bangs will have acne on their forehead. 

Your skin type will still play a very important role in the possibility of having acne on your forehead when you have bangs.

Let’s explain that further below. 


Why Do Bangs Cause Acne?

Who doesn’t love to have a lovely fringe? Bangs are a great way to update your hairstyle without having a drastic change in your hair. They can make you look younger, hide thinning hair, and amp up your style. Whether it’s wispy bangs, curtain bangs, side-swept, or something else, bangs are super versatile.

However, sometimes instead of loving your bangs, you begin to hate them! Because they can cause acne breakouts.

What a nightmare!

But what do your bangs have to do with acne anyway? How can hair cause pimples — lots of pimples — to appear out of nowhere on your forehead?

Well, having bangs isn’t the only factor that contributes to having breakouts on your forehead. The location where your bangs lie is also a factor. 

Your bangs sit on top of your forehead, which is part of the T-zone of the face. Usually, the T-zone is the part of the face that produces the most oil. That’s the reason why it is common to find pimples on your T-zone, particularly those with oily hair. 

You might need to powder these areas more often than other areas of your face to prevent you from looking oily throughout the day. 

Acne breakouts happen when the pores on the skin get clogged due to the oil that the skin produces and the skin cells that you naturally shed off. Sometimes bacteria can get trapped in that mix and causes an infection.

When the pore is clogged it could become a whitehead, a blackhead, a blind pimple, or other acne forms. 

When the pore is blocked it could become a whitehead, a blackhead, a pimple, or other acne forms

The bangs grow from hair follicles, and these produce oils to help with the health of the hair and scalp. The problem with having bangs is that it acts like a bridge where the oils produced by the scalp can travel to your forehead. 

Apart from adding more oil to your forehead, bacteria can be passed on to your forehead. As we’ve mentioned earlier the oils, skin cells, and bacteria trapped in the pores are what cause acne.

With the additional amount present due to the bangs, it is more likely for the pores to get clogged.

Additionally, the products you use for your hair can irritate the skin. If they do, the skin on your forehead could get inflamed and could lead to acne. 

Sometimes, hair products may not be compatible with your skin because they could clog the pores. These could lead to acne on your forehead. 

Hair products may not be compatible with your skin because they could clog the pores. These could lead to acne on your forehead. 

How To Prevent Acne Due To Your Bangs

Reading this could make you think twice about cutting your bangs, especially if you already have acne-prone skin.

However, if you’ve already cut your bangs upon reading this, there are still some things you can do to prevent or treat the acne on your forehead. 

1. Keep Them Off Your Forehead

Your bangs could look oh so cute but if you can keep them away from your forehead, it is best that you rearrange them. If you are just at home and don’t need that extra cuteness from your bangs, then you could use accessories such as clips and headbands to keep them off your forehead. 

You can use a headband while at the gym so that you don’t transfer the oiliness of your hair to your forehead. Try to minimize the contact of your bangs with your forehead to lessen the risk of forming acne. 

2. The Right Time To Have Bangs

It’s understandable that you just have to try out having bangs. If you do want them, make sure you cut them at times when the season isn’t hot and humid. If you time it right, your bangs should have grown out by the time those seasons come and you can pull them back when necessary. 

3. Rethink Your Hair Product Choices

Now that you have bangs, you have to reread the ingredients of the products you use for your hair. Are the ingredients that could cause acne?

Due to your bangs, your forehead is now exposed to those ingredients and you want to avoid them, especially if you want to prevent an acne breakout. 

4. Wash Your Bangs Everyday

Before, you might not have a problem even if you don’t wash your hair every day. Now that you have bangs, you should think about washing the hair or at least your bangs every day.

Washing your bangs will remove the excess oil in them that could travel to your forehead. 

Your Bangs May Not Only Be The Cause

It is easy to blame the bangs for the root cause of your forehead acne problem. However, sometimes, those bangs may not be the cause. It could be a combination of a variety of new things or changes that happened at the time you cut your bangs. 

What’s the reason for cutting your bangs? Are you recently stressed and just wanted to do some changes in your style? Stress could also be a factor that has helped you develop acne. 

Are your hormone levels currently fluctuating? That could cause you to have acne breakouts too. Did you change your skincare products or hair products? Those could all contribute to forehead acne.

You should probably address your bangs, but you’ll need to think holistically, too!

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).