How Long Does Itching Last After Botox?

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Botox is an effective way to combat aging, calm migraines, and subdue acne scars. But while it can do those things, Botox is most famous for removing wrinkles from your skin and preventing them from reappearing in the long term. 

But does botox itch?

Many experience itching after their first Botox treatment (and with later treatments). You want to try to avoid too much itching to keep hives at bay.

Throughout this guide, we’ll answer the question “how long does the itching last after botox?” We’ll explain the main causes behind the itching and what medical treatments can aid in alleviating the issue. 

By the end, you’ll know how to protect yourself from this skin condition so that you’ll be able to get the most out of your Botox. So, let’s get started! 


Botox And Hives

Does Botox Itch? After getting your first Botox injection, you can expect slight redness for 1-2 days.

Remember, you’re inserting truly toxic chemicals in your skin with the goal of paralyzing facial muscles. It’s gonna take a bit of time for your body to react and adapt to the change. 

For optimal results, it’s best to keep your head in an upright position 6 hours after the injection.

This prevents the Botox injection from spreading throughout your face. If the Botox injection reaches a non-target area, your face might appear uneven.

Does Botox Itch? – Explained

Botox is a powerful, costly, highly-effective beauty treatment. You need continuous injections every few months, depending on your circumstances. Each treatment is a new chance for itching and hives.

Swelling, bumps, and skin tenderness are common side effects you’ll experience after your Botox injection.

Itching is a common occurrence, particularly on your first Botox treatment (or if you’ve stopped treatment for a while). Typically this will lessen upon repeat Botox treatments.

Here are two ways itching is caused.

Needle Treatment

While Botox is certainly not as traumatic on the skin as plastic surgery, it requires precision to ensure that the injection gets into the layer underneath your skin.

The bumps you’re getting from this procedure aren’t from the Botox, but because your body is reacting to the micro-tears caused by the needle. 

The bumps will leave a few hours after your treatment in this scenario. Since Botox has to be injected via a needle, virtually everyone will experience itching.

You can manage this side effect through bed rest and first-aid once the injection is over. 


Allergic reactions are less common. They are caused due to the patient’s body being unable to process the botulinum toxin.

These symptoms range from hives, swelling, or irritation. If you feel like you’re experiencing this skin issue, speak to your doctor for medical treatment. 

Another cause for allergies is because you’re responding to something else in the procedure.

This can be caused either due to the topical anesthetic or what they use to reconstitute Botox.

In this case, you may also want to speak to your Botox provider to find a workaround.

What Are Hives?

Hives are splotches or red bumps that appear on the skin. It is a skin condition where your body has an allergic reaction to a substance, which is usually harmless for most people.

It can feel a bit like itchy acne, but it comes on all at once.

Hives can occur through systemic or autoimmune conditions if the hives last for an extended period of time. 

Hives can be itchy and can lead to stinging or burning. They can be as large as a dinner plate or smaller than a pinprick.

Hives often last for 24 hours in your body, but they might not be noticeable for up to 2 weeks. 

Types of Hives


Acute hives are a mild skin condition that lasts up to 6 weeks. They appear on your skin quickly and are caused by an allergic reaction to certain medications and food. 


As we stated earlier, chronic hives appear on your skin after six weeks. While they are autoimmune in nature, no one can pinpoint 95% of the skin conditions. 


Some people gain hives in specific situations. Hives can appear on your skin due to the heat or cold weather. Others react to the vibrations caused by sweating and exercising. Usually, physical hives will appear after an hour of exposure. 

How Long Does Itching Last After Botox?

Hives are temporary and will typically last in your skin for up to 24 hours. Most of the time, the hives are small and last for a few minutes to 5+ hours. Once the existing hives subside, they will appear in the same or other areas in your skin. 

On average, most people get new hives within a few weeks. However, you might have chronic hives if the hives last 5-6 weeks in your body. 

While it is hard to determine the cause of hives, chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) is a more severe skin disease. People afflicted with CSU obtain new hives on their skin daily, which can last months and years. 

Dermatologists work to treat people with CSU and chronic hives. If they can find a cause within the patient’s body, they can avoid it to prevent newer hives from forming. 

How Do Hives Spread?

Hives can spread throughout your entire body. Some people experience hives throughout their legs, making it extremely uncomfortable when in large amounts.

One way to determine a hive outbreak is through blanching. This means that if your skin is in a medium or light color, pressing onto the hive will cause the pink or red color to disappear when you’re pressing on it. 

How to Manage Hives

Usually, swelling and hives go away without medical treatment. Chat with your Botox provider about itching and hives, and be prepared for it before you get your first treatment.

If the itch is unmanageable, your doctor might provide at-home care and medication to reduce the chance of hives. These treatments include:

Allergy Shots

If you have chronic hives, your healthcare might prescribe an allergy treatment. These will block your immune system from creating allergic reactions. 


Severe cases of hives and reactions can lead to anaphylaxis. People who are suffering from anaphylaxis will need an epinephrine injection to open up a swollen airway. 

At-home/DIY Treatments

To protect your skin from hives, you can take a cool shower, apply a cold compress, and wear loose-fitting clothing. Doing so will keep your pores open and protected from a hives outbreak. 

See also:

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).