Does Concealer Cover Acne?

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No matter how on-fleek your eyebrows are, how well-blended your eyeshadow is, and how properly contoured your cheekbones are, there’s still one thing that can ruin your look. 

That is the acne on your skin.

It can show up on your forehead, cheeks, chin, nose, and eyebrow areas. Just about anywhere on your face. 

The great news is that there are makeup products that can be used for it. So does concealer cover acne? Yes, concealer can cover acne and other blemishes to make them less visible. 

However, sometimes it would still be visible but a little less. That’s because some acne isn’t just discolored, they are also textured.

Simply slapping concealer over your acne may not be the best for all situations or different kinds of acne. There are various techniques and extra steps that you should do to make sure your acne is properly covered. 

In this article, we will share your useful tips on how to cover your acne, depending on what kind they are or what they look like. 


How Does Concealer Cover Acne?

L.A. Girl Pro Conceal HD Concealer, Warm Honey, 0.28 Ounce

A concealer is a makeup product that can cover acne by correcting its color. Acne can be quite obvious simply because of the color it is. Usually, it is darker than your skin. 

Carefully picking out the right shade of concealer is essential to hide your acne. You have to make sure it blends well with your actual skin shade. 

Even acne that has already healed may still be darker in color. It could take a few months or even years before the dark color goes back to normal.

How To Apply Concealer On Acne

Whenever you apply a concealer, make sure that your hands are clean. You wouldn’t want to worsen your acne due to your dirty hands. 

Depending on the type of concealer you use, you can apply it directly to your face or use a brush. For concealer sticks, you can simply swipe it on the area and then blend it with a brush or your finger. 

For concealers in tubes or in a pan, you can use a brush to get some product. Then place some of it on the back of your hand. 

You can brush through it back and forth so that you would have an even layer of product on the brush. This also helps avoid lumps or granules on the brush. 

You don’t want the lumps and granules because that will just add more texture to the skin on your face. 

When applying the concealer over the acne, make sure that you are careful. This is especially true if you are using your finger. 

Be careful about your nails puncturing the pimple if you have one. That could spread the bacteria and form more pimples in the area. 

The concealer will usually cover up the discoloration of the acne. Depending on the kind of foundation you use, you’ll want to apply the concealer after the foundation (but before if you’re using a powdered foundation). 

How To Conceal Different Acne Types

Blackheads and Whiteheads Source: Wikipedia

When we talk about acne, pimples are the first thing that comes to mind. However, acne isn’t just pimples, it could also be whiteheads, blackheads. 

Furthermore, acne could already be flat and dry, a wound because you pricked it, or cystic and about to pop. In different situations, there are different techniques that could help further conceal the acne so it’s less obvious.

A Whitehead

When it is a whitehead that you are trying to conceal, you have to find a concealer  that has a thicker consistency. That is more likely to adhere to the whitehead. 

There are different wand-type concealer  that also work well in hiding blemishes but you have to choose a thicker formula to hide the whitehead better. 

Usually, the whitehead is also surrounded by a reddish area. You can use the same concealer to cover that area as well. 

Make sure that you precisely cover it and avoid applying concealer on the area where it is not needed.

Cystic Pimple

These are both ugly and painful! The best thing to do is to use either an icy or warm compress. Use an ice cube to soothe it and reduce the swelling. Use a warm towel to reduce inflammation.

With this kind of acne, completely covering isn’t really possible, but you can make it less obvious. 

The more products you place on it, the more obvious it will be. Just try to lessen its visibility with a lightweight concealer .

Dry And Flaky

Most acne medications will dry it up and make it look flaky. The best way to conceal that is to first moisturize or hydrate your skin. 

Some suggest manually removing the flakiness using warm water and a pair of sterilized tweezers. You should be very careful to not puncture your pimple. 

After moisturizing the skin, dive in with the concealer. 

Dreaded Blackheads

Another common type of acne is blackheads. For this type of acne, one layer of concealer might not be enough. 

Some use a layer of foundation first. Sometimes, this can be enough to cover most of the blackheads. If not, a layer of concealer can be used. 

Then it would be topped off with powdered foundation. Usually, the blackheads are covered. If not, you can use another concealer to precisely cover those that are still quite obvious. 

See also:

Very Red Acne

Acne is usually reddish but some may have those that are really red. That’s why they are very obvious. 

Concealers come in different colors too. Those that are green  can help cancel the redness. These are better at concealing those red acne marks. 


Acne is a common skin problem. It seems hopeless but if you can’t get rid of it right away, at least you can use concealer to cover it. 

Concealer is a great product that helps with discoloration, which acne has. In some cases, acne marks and other types of acne can be completely covered. However, there are times when it can still be seen. 

The role of concealer is to simply make the acne marks less visible by correcting the color. However, you can’t really correct the bump that it produces. You can just make it less obvious. 

See also:

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).