Does Conditioner Help Hair Grow? Will It Rejuvenate Your Locks?

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Dirty hair doesn’t feel good! So we regularly use our favorite shampoo to wash away any dirt and impurities like sweat, dead skin cells, and environmental build-up.

Then we use conditioner to smooth the hair strands and rehydrate, control frizz, and restore the shine.

Regular conditioning definitely makes hair healthy. But does conditioner help hair grow?

No, conditioner won’t help your hair grow. But it will make the hair healthier, fuller, and stronger. So sorta yes.

Let’s dig in below.


Does Conditioner Help Hair Grow?

Olaplex 5 Conditioner

Unfortunately, there’s no magic hair care formula that will make your hair grow fast (though the Olaplex 5 shown above  is close!).

If there was, then we’d probably all be using it already, right? So then, what does conditioner do exactly?

Well, to begin with, conditioning does play a big role in making your hair healthier overall.

Conditioning your hair after every shampoo is the ideal way to help strengthen it, as well as replenish the hydration that can be lost from shampoo stripping your hair of its moisture.

It will also support your hair if you color it or bleach it, or use heat-styling products regularly.

Flowers For Your Hair

Just like a flower garden needs rich soil and water to grow, you can think of using conditioner as giving your hair the perfect environment and nourishment at the roots that will help it to grow. This is why those with thicker or coarser hair need to use conditioners with a heavier consistency.

Just like a flower garden needs rich soil and water to grow, you can think of using conditioner as giving your hair the perfect environment and nourishment at the roots that will help it to grow.

Increasing your hair’s resilience in this way will allow you to eliminate further breakage and split ends. And the fewer split ends and breakage that occur, the more likely it will be that your hair will grow better, fuller, and longer.

So, by using conditioner, you will indirectly help your hair to grow, although the product itself isn’t the actual cause of making this happen. If you want to help encourage healthy hair growth, then you should include regular conditioning as part of a healthy hair routine.

So, by using conditioner, you will indirectly help your hair to grow, although the product itself isn’t the actual cause of making this happen.

Do You Have Growing Pains?

Genetics play a big role on the texture, structure, color, and density of your hair, which also play a part in how long it will eventually grow.

But saying that, using conditioner after each shampoo will provide you with some control over how healthy your hair is day to day.

Typically, your hair will grow between a quarter and half an inch each month (if you’re lucky), but it will need to be completely healthy in order for this to happen. That means no split ends, for example.

Beauty From the Inside Out

One thing you may not have considered as far as hair growth is concerned is what you’re eating! In order to have truly healthy hair that grows optimally, you have to feed it from the inside.

In order to have truly healthy hair that grows optimally, you have to feed it from the inside.

You see, if your hair isn’t growing, then your diet may be deficient in the nutrition your body needs to produce healthy and longer hair.

For instance, a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins D, C, A, and E is essential for keeping your skin and hair follicles healthy enough to do the job they were meant to.

Topical Treatments That Can Help

Marc Anthony’s True Professional Strengthening Grow Long Collection is a great quality range of hair care products. It consists of anti-breakage formulas specifically blended to help reduce split ends and breakage, which will encourage your hair to get healthy, longer, and stronger.

It’s Super Fast Strength Conditioner  is a sulfate-free formula that contains caffeine, vitamin E, argan oil, shea butter, and ginseng. It helps to transform dry and brittle hair and leave it feeling soft, silky, smooth, and hydrated, with a shine that will have it looking beautiful.

Marc Anthony Strengthening Conditioner, Grow Long - Anti-Frizz, Anti-Breakage & Nourishing Formula For Split Ends, & Hair Growth - Biotin, Vitamin E, Caffeine & Ginseng for Dry & Damaged Hair
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So, does conditioner help hair grow?

Well, not really. But if you use a conditioner like the product we recommend above, this will help you to keep your hair healthier, which will promote growth in future.

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).