On Kim Kardashian, Tanning Beds, and Psoriasis Treatment

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In recent discussions surrounding health and wellness, particularly in the context of celebrity health choices, the conversation around Kim Kardashian’s reveal of a tanning bed in her office has sparked considerable debate. She later explained that she primarily uses it for psoriasis treatment.

It’s important to clarify from the outset that while we engage in this discussion, we do so not as dermatologists but as informed commentators seeking to shed light on a complex issue.

The management of psoriasis, a chronic and often distressing skin condition, requires a nuanced understanding, especially when it intersects with treatments like UV exposure in tanning beds.


Beyond Kim Kardashian: The Psoriasis Challenge

Kim Kardashian’s openness about using a tanning bed for psoriasis relief has brought attention to a broader conversation about the accessibility and affordability of psoriasis treatments.

Psoriasis is not just a superficial skin condition; it is a systemic autoimmune disorder that can cause significant discomfort and impact a person’s quality of life.

Traditional treatments include topical therapies, systemic medications, and phototherapy, the latter of which involves controlled exposure to UVB light under medical supervision to slow down abnormal skin cell growth.

The Role of UV Therapy and the Tanning Bed Dilemma

Phototherapy is a recognized treatment for psoriasis, with evidence supporting its effectiveness in managing symptoms. However, access to medical-grade phototherapy can be limited by factors such as geographic location, insurance coverage, and the financial burden associated with ongoing dermatological care.

In this context, some individuals have turned to tanning beds as an alternative source of UV light, despite the well-documented risks associated with their use, including an increased risk of skin cancer.

It’s crucial to acknowledge that for some people, especially those who cannot afford frequent dermatologist visits or face high healthcare costs, tanning beds may offer a form of relief for their psoriasis symptoms.

This reality does not endorse tanning beds as a primary treatment option but highlights the need for a more empathetic understanding of the choices individuals make in the face of chronic conditions.

A Call for Compassionate Dialogue and Informed Decisions

The use of tanning beds for psoriasis treatment exists in a gray area between medical advice and individual necessity. It underscores a larger issue within healthcare accessibility and the lengths to which individuals might go to find relief. While the medical community’s concerns about tanning bed safety are valid, the conversation should also recognize the challenges faced by those with limited treatment options.

This discussion is not about advocating for tanning beds as a recommended psoriasis treatment but about urging a more compassionate and nuanced dialogue regarding health choices.

People like Kim Kardashian sharing their experiences can catalyze important conversations about the realities of living with psoriasis and the complexities of treatment access and decision-making.

Embracing a Holistic View on Psoriasis Management

In advocating for a balanced view, it’s essential to encourage individuals to consult healthcare professionals and consider all potential risks and benefits before pursuing any treatment. Education, awareness, and open dialogue are key to navigating the challenges of psoriasis management. This includes exploring all available treatments, understanding their implications, and making informed decisions tailored to one’s health needs and circumstances.


The controversy around using tanning beds for psoriasis treatment, highlighted by Kim Kardashian’s experience, opens up critical discussions about the intricacies of managing chronic health conditions.

It’s a reminder of the importance of empathy, informed choices, and the need for broader access to healthcare solutions.

As we navigate these conversations, let’s prioritize understanding and support over judgment, recognizing the diverse and personal nature of health management in our quest for wellbeing.

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).