Toning Hair After Bleaching: Should You Do It?

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Bleaching and toning go hand in hand to make your hair look lighter but not in a brassy way. Usually, those who have their hair bleached will have some sort of brassiness on them. 

Whether the tones are yellow, gold, or orange, hair toners can be used to hide all those unwanted tones. For most people, toning hair after bleaching is an automatic next step. 

But is it really necessary to tone hair after bleaching? How do you know what toner to use after bleaching? Well, most people will tone their hair after bleaching to dial in the color they like. 

However, some may not. Some people who use bleach for highlights might opt to note tone their hair, as they are already happy with the result. 

As for the right toner (or color-depositing shampoo) to use, that will depend on what colors you want to remove from your bleached hair. We will be discussing 3 colors of toners to use for specific hair tones you want to cancel. 


What Does Toner Do To Bleached Hair?

Hair Toner

The process of bleaching the hair will involve removing the pigment that gives the hair its natural color. With bleaching, the darker colors are removed. 

Those can now be replaced with other pigments by using hair dyes.

Or you can just cancel out the unwanted tones that have shown up in your hair. 

A toner will hide those colors and result in hair that is better toned. Toners keep the brassiness away. 

Although toners are used by people who want to dramatically lighten their hair, they can also be used on highlights or previously colored hair.

Toner, if used correctly, improves the appearance of the hair by canceling out unwanted color tones. 

Choosing The Right Toner To Use

Hair Toner by LOreal

A quick note: When we talk about toners, we’re referring to toning shampoos. There are professional-grade toners that you should only use under the guidance of a professional.

If you’re not completely sure what you’re doing, stick with toning shampoos.

If you’re not completely sure what you’re doing, stick with toning shampoos.

Contrary to what most people believe, toners don’t just come in purple. Purple is quite popular because it can cancel out the yellow tones. It will certainly improve the tone of people aiming to have blond hair. 

When choosing the right toner to use, the color wheel is consulted. Professionals will know how to combine the different toners to end up with a product that will cancel out the unwanted tones to produce the hair color you wish to have. 

Before you use the color wheel, you must first take a closer look at your hair after bleaching it. Most probably your hair will have lots of yellow, orange, or red tones in it. These are the ones that are canceled out by the toner. 

Those that have yellow in their hair should use purple toner. Those who have lots of orange in their hair should use blue toner. And those who have red hair due to bleaching should use a green toner. 

The Purple Shampoo Toner

Purple Toner

Most of those who are aiming for blonde hair will benefit well from canceling out the yellow brassy tones of the hair. In the color wheel, purple is the opposite of yellow. Therefore, purple is the color of the toner used. 

Purple toners  are the most common toner colors available. Toners, whether they are professional-grade or for home use need to make sure of a 20-volume developer. 

Apart from the color of the toner, the amount of time you leave it on your hair also matters. The more yellow it is, the longer you should leave the hair toner. 

The Blue Shampoo Toner

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Apart from purple toners, there are also No products found.available today. Blue toners are meant to cancel out the orange tones in the bleached hair. 

Those with dark hair who have bleached it will usually have lots of orange tones in their bleached hair. Whether the orange tones in your hair are dark or light, you still have to use a blue toner to cancel them out. 

If you don’t want to end up having blue hair, make sure you’re careful with the timing. Exposing your hair for far too long will certainly do that. Apart from that, you should also check the porosity of your hair. 

If you have high porosity, your hair is more likely to absorb the toner at a faster rate. 

The Green Shampoo Toner

Green Toner

The green toner is applied to those who have developed red tones in their hair after bleaching. Having lots of red tones on your hair after bleaching is not that common.

That may also be the reason why there aren’t a lot of green toners  in the market today.

Don’t be afraid of the green color. The red hair you have due to bleaching won’t turn green unless you prolong the exposure time or completely fail to read the instructions.

Can I Use Toner Right After Bleaching?

Yes, you can typically tone your hair right after you’re done bleaching it, but always follow the instructions for your specific bleach and toner.

Bleaching and toning go together to produce a lighter shade of hair. It is generally best to tone the hair after bleaching to remove the brassy colors, whether it is yellow, orange, or red. 

You can apply the toner right after bleaching your hair. Those who make use of bleaching agents with hydrogen peroxide will have hair shafts that are open. The porosity of the hair also increases due to the use of a bleaching agent. 

Porous hair will easily accept the toner so it is best to apply it immediately after bleaching. 

Final Thoughts

Toning after bleaching is an important process in improving the overall tone of the hair (including highlights!). With hair toners, the brassy colors of the hair are canceled out. 

Different hair toners are used to cancel the different unwanted colors of the hair after bleaching. Purple toner is used to cancel yellow tones, blue toner is used to cancel orange tones, while a green toner is used to cancel the red tones. 

Toners can be applied right after the bleaching procedure. In fact, many hair professionals prefer to add the toner right after bleaching because the hair shaft is still open. That makes it much easier for the toner to be absorbed by the hair. 

When toning the hair with any color, make sure that you also take note of how long you keep it on the hair. If you keep it for far too long, your risk developing purple, bluish, or greenish hair. 

See also:

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).