Should You Use Vicks On Your Lips?

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Have you seen the Tiktoks about using Vicks on your lips? There are lots of people who claim that it has done wonders for their lips. However, there are some who warn against it. 

Different people have different experiences and opinions on using Vicks on the lips. If you are curious or doubtful about using it. Then read further below. 

We’ll tell you why people love to use Vicks on their lips… and why others do not. We’ll also tell you more about what Vicks is and if there are other alternatives that you can use on your lips. 


What Is Vicks, Exactly?

No products found.

Vicks is actually a brand name that produces over-the-the counter medications for coughs and colds. One of their most famous products is the Vicks Vaporub.  

No products found. is a balm or ointment that has menthol in it. It is formulated to be applied on the chest area, back, or throat to help with controlling cough. Some use the Vaporub on the head to help with headaches. Similarly, it is also used to help with sore muscles. 

It contains various ingredients namely camphor, eucalyptus oil, menthol, and petroleum jelly. 

Although it is originally used to help ease coughing and colds, people found many different uses for it including toenail fungus treater, spider-vein remover, and applying it on the lips. Vicks on your lips can be used to help heal chapped lips or to make the lips plump up. 

Vicks on your lips can be used to help heal chapped lips or to make the lips plump up. 

Why Should You Use Vicks On Your Lips

One of the main reasons why people use Vicks on the lips is to help heal chapped lips, similar to lip balm and chapstick. Vicks contains petroleum jelly, which helps moisturize the lips and soothe the dryness. 

This is done by sealing in the moisture on the lips so that it doesn’t easily evaporate — especially when the weather is cold and dry. 

People who use Vicks on their lips will usually use it at night time before they go to sleep. In the morning, they would wake up to softer and moisturized lips. This could be due to the petroleum jelly content of Vicks. 

Some people use Vicks as a lip plumper. Aside from petroleum jelly, Vicks contains other menthols, eucalyptus, and camphor that could cause a tingling sensation on the lips. 

Typically, lip plumpers are products that you apply to the lips and feel a tingling sensation. That tinging sensation is a sign that the product is actually irritating the lips temporarily. 

Lip plumpers are formulated to contain such irritants as menthol or capsaicin to induce the reaction. This leads to blood rushing to the lips and this causes the lips to plump up.

If you want to try out using Vicks on your lips, you should just use a small amount first. Most people use a thin layer of Vicks over their lips because the menthol is very strong. Only a small amount would be enough to seal the lips and make them plump.

Why You Should Avoid Vicks On Lips

Although there are people who swear by this Tiktok hack, there are many people who question it or who had a negative reaction to it. 

Some people are concerned about the camphor concentration in it. Although it could be used as a rub, ingestion of several teaspoons of it could be poisonous to toddlers.

It doesn’t taste good, so you shouldn’t be licking your lips or getting it in your mouth. 

Some are concerned about the plumping action of Vicks on the lips. As we’ve mentioned, lip plumpers  will slightly irritate the lips to plump them up. 

Vicks is capable of irritating the lips and making them plumper. However, it is really not formulated to be plumper. 

The concentration of irritating ingredients for the lips could be high, especially if you do not control how much you apply. Instead of just plumping up the lips a little bit, it could irritate the lips even more. 

Alternative Products 

The final decision to use Vicks for your lips is really up to you. You can test it out yourself to see whether it works for you or not. 

If you do decide to try it out, start slow. Use a small amount at first and if you find any adverse effects, stop using it immediately. 

If you don’t want to risk using Vicks on your lips, we’ve listed several alternatives that you can try. 

Vicks As Lip Moisturizer

The reason why Vicks can heal cracked lips is that it has petroleum jelly in them. It is a good moisturizer for lips. 

As such you can simply use plain old petroleum jelly  to soothe your cracked lips. This doesn’t contain other chemicals that could irritate your cracked lips. 

Another alternative that you could try is coconut oil . Compared to Vicks, coconut oil is more edible. It is an excellent moisturizer not only for your lips but for your skin too. Plus, it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties as well. 

If you don’t like the oily consistency you can try aloe vera  instead. It is not only good for sunburns but it can help moisturize your lips. 

Like something that is sweet and moisturizing at the same time? You can try honey for your chapped lips. It moisturizes lips and helps prevent them from being infected. It can also be used as a mild exfoliator. 

Vicks As Lip Plumper

The key to plumping the lips is to irritate them so that blood flow increases in the area. This leads to the lips looking fuller. Instead of relying on the ingredients of Vicks, you could try a more natural approach by using cayenne pepper.

To make this natural lip plumper, you can just use cayenne pepper and mix it with olive oil. You apply it to your lips for a few minutes and after which, you’ll have plumper and a redder pout. 

If you don’t like the hotness of pepper, you can try the minty approach. Peppermint oil is something you can use to plump up the lips too. 

There are also other products in the market that are designed to be lip plumpers. These are formulated with the right amount of irritant that is just enough to plump up the lips without causing too much irritation. 

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).