Why Do I Have Dandruff After Washing My Hair? Banish The Dandruff!

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It can be annoying to have a dry scalp. This can cause itchiness and flaking. You might think taking a shower or showering more often will help. I mean, more moisture is good, right?

However, while hair washing can be helpful to your scalp, it can also be harmful. Constant washing and showering can aggravate the condition.

Why Do I Have Dandruff After Washing My Hair?!

After taking a shower, you might notice that your scalp is flaky. The shower itself may not be to blame, But it’s not helping either. 

People suffer from dry scalps for many different reasons, including hair products and weather conditions. What shampoo and products you use in the shower can be the problem.


Why Do I Have Dandruff After Washing My Hair?

Regularly washing your hair is essential. When doing so, however, you should keep some habits in mind.

A healthy hair routine begins in the shower. Washing your hair can keep it clean. But, it doesn’t always keep your scalp healthy. Here are some things to keep in mind.

You don’t need to stop washing your hair, just change the way you do things. 

You don’t need to stop washing your hair, just change the way you do things. 

1. Take Fewer Showers

If you shower less often, you can combat a dry scalp easily. Alternatively, if you do take a daily shower, avoid washing your hair every time. Regular showers can cause skin damage. While it can seem relaxing at the time, the result can be dry skin all over.

You have a lot of dead skin cells on the surface of your skin. Certainly, regular exfoliation and removal of those cells are good. However, they protect your skin beneath the surface.

Your scalp is also well-moisturized by this top layer. Unfortunately, the protective layer of your cells is chipped away whenever you take a shower.

2. Take Cooler Showers

Along with not washing your hair as often, it is important to pay attention to how hot the water is. Water alone does not moisturize hair. You can soak moisture in your hair strands if it’s too hot.

Hair follicles can weaken when water is too hot. If this occurs, your hair may not grow properly. You may even lose your hair. Using hot water on your hair can also result in dry, brittle, and damaged hair.

3. Proper Hair Care Products

If you don’t shower every day and your shower isn’t scorching hot, perhaps you should consider your hair products. Hair products can cause a dry scalp. Hair and skin can be damaged by even the most expensive products available.

A product’s price tag does not guarantee moisture and hydration.

A product’s price tag does not guarantee moisture and hydration.

Certain products affect people differently. They may work differently for you compared to someone else. We all react differently to chemicals like fragrances, preservatives, and alcohol. These ingredients may damage skin that is sensitive or vulnerable.

Treatment for Dandruff

If you have dandruff, it may not go away on its own. Some shampoos and rinses combat dandruff. If it becomes a problem that keeps reoccurring, you may need to use a preventer. 

Anti-dandruff shampoos can be used when you wash your hair. These are recommended to be used once to twice a week to control the flakes.

Using Apple Cider Vinegar

Many health benefits have been associated with apple cider vinegar, including treating dandruff naturally.

Due to the acidity of the vinegar, your scalp is believed to shed dead skin cells faster. Dandruff can also be reduced by balancing the pH level of your skin with apple cider vinegar.

Aspirin in Your Shampoo

Among the primary components of aspirin is salicylic acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties.

A lot of anti-dandruff shampoos also contain this acid.

Aside from getting rid of scaly skin, it helps to loosen skin flakes for easy removal.

Add two aspirin tablets crushed up to your shampoo and wash your hair before putting it in your shampoo to treat dandruff.

Taking Care of Your Hair After You’ve Washed It

Despite all your other efforts, the routine you use after showering can cause damage to your hair. Following a hair wash, you should avoid several common mistakes.

  • Your hair shouldn’t be blown dry. Too much heat can harm hair and scalp. Following a warm shower using a hair dryer can cause more problems.  If blow drying is a must, use it on the coolest setting. It might take longer, but it is better for your hair. Before using a dryer on your hair, let it air dry for about an hour.
  • Products like mousse, gels, leave-in conditioners, and knot sprays all leave a residue build-up. Try to go for organic styling solutions outside the shower for optimal results.
  • Don’t rub the towel over your hair when drying it. Learn to properly towel-dry your hair. Hair damage and hair loss can result from this. Allow your hair to air dry to the maximum extent possible by patting or gently squeezing it to dry.
  • Add a heat-resistant product. Heat tools (such as flat irons and curling irons) are more likely to harm your hair, not your scalp. The problem is that unhealthy hair can result in itchiness, eventually leading to scalp problems. You can curl your hair without heat. It is better for you and creates a more natural look.


You are not alone if your scalp is itchy after getting out of the shower. This means there are a lot of things you can do to trigger it. First, getting to the bottom of why your scalp is so dry is crucial.

If your scalp itches after washing, you can usually fix it easily. Just change your habits and lifestyle. You’ll probably find that you’re a lot happier when you have.

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).