Why Is My Forehead Darker Than My Face?

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Don’t you just wish you had an even skin tone? You might have fair skin, but you can’t help noticing that your forehead is a little bit darker than your face. 

What’s up with that? Why is my forehead darker than my face?

There are a number of factors that can contribute to your forehead being darker than the rest of your face, but it’s important to note that this is very likely not the result of anything serious.

For today, we’ll help you figure out why your forehead is darker than your face. Plus we’ll also tell you more about what you can do to correct it. 


Why Is My Forehead Darker Than My Face? The Common Causes

Skin pigment in the epidermis, or the top layer of skin, prevents sunlight from damaging skin cells. The skin’s basal melanocytes produce melanin or pigment.

The dark pigments shield the underlying layers of the skin and act as a natural sunscreen.

Melanin is what creates color in both your hair and your skin. When a part of the skin is darker than the rest, it is possible that there is more melanin in the area.

It’s possible that the darker color is simply due to what is on top of the skin’s surface. The forehead can darken in color compared to the rest of the face due to the following reasons:

Sun Exposure

One of the most common causes of darker skin on the forehead is sun exposure. Over time, the sun can cause the skin to darken, and this is especially noticeable on the forehead. 

This is because the forehead is one of the areas of the face that is most exposed to the sun. 

Aging can be a contributor to the skin’s reaction to the sun.

Over the years, exposure to the sun causes hyperpigmentation, but it is intensified as you age.  

There are a few ways to prevent this from happening. The first is to protect your skin from the sun by wearing sunscreen whenever you’re going to be outside. 

The second is to limit your time in the sun, especially during peak hours, between 10 am and 2 pm. The third is to wear a hat or other form of the headwear that will protect your skin from the sun.

See also: 14 Outdoor Tanning Tips. Get That Luxurious Golden Glow!


Inflammation can lead to the darkening of the skin. When the skin becomes inflamed, the body produces more melanin. This pigment is responsible for giving the skin its color.

Inflammation of the face can be caused by various factors, including environmental irritants, infections, and allergies. Facial inflammation can manifest as redness, swelling, pain, and heat. 

On the forehead, inflammation such as acne can be seen. Even when the active acne is already remedied, there can still be remnants of the inflammation in the form of darker areas on the forehead. 


Hormones have various effects on the body. When the levels fluctuate or when some hormones are at higher or lower levels than they usually are, they could cause the skin to darken. 

This is because it can increase the production of melanin, which is the pigment that causes the skin to appear darker. 

Pregnant women may develop darker areas on the forehead, cheeks, jawline, and chin. This darkening of the skin is usually temporary. Once the hormone levels return back to normal, the dark areas lighten as well. 

Facial Products

Some facial products may contain harsh chemicals that can cause damage to the skin. As a result, that area can darken. 

Sometimes, the ingredients in facial products are safe to use on their own.

However, if you accidentally combine them or use them with other facial products, there can be a reaction that leads to the darkening of the skin. 

Dirt And Oil Accumulation

Usually, the skin on the forehead is oily. Oily skin attracts dirt more because it sticks to it better than dry skin. 

It is possible that the darkened skin is caused by the accumulation of dirt and oil on the skin’s surface.

When it isn’t immediately removed, it can pile up and darken the skin.

Possible Remedies For Darkened Skin

Knowing what causes the darkening of the skin on the forehead will help you identify which is the best way to lighten them. Here are a few ways to do that:

Wait It Out

Sometimes, the remedy for a darkened forehead is simply waiting it out.  you don’t have to do anything because it will eventually lighten. 

Such is the case when the darkening of the skin is caused by fluctuations in the hormones during pregnancy. Once the levels turn back to normal, the skin eventually lightens.

Protect From The Sun

In case the darkening of the skin is caused by over-exposure to the sun, you will have to wait for the skin to lighten. While waiting, you should make sure you protect the skin from UV exposure to prevent further production of melanin.

Melanin is produced when the skin is exposed to UV light. The more exposed it is, the more melanin it produces and the darker the skin is. 

You can protect your forehead from the sun in a variety of ways. You can cover your head with a hat or you can also make use of sunscreen to protect not only your forehead but your entire face. 

Use Whitening Products

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There are a variety of whitening products in the market. They contain various substances that help your skin whiten.

Some may contain retinoids, kojic acid, hydroquinone, glycolic acid, alpha-hydroxy acids, and many others. Just be careful in using them, especially if you plan to use more than one whitening product. 

Laser Treatments

Another way to lighten the skin is to use laser therapy. This will treat the outermost skin layer and remove it. This leads to even of your skin tone. 

The light energy is focused on the darker areas and it produces heat. This can cause the destruction of those cells and promotes cell regeneration. 

The newly formed cells won’t be dark anymore and would lead to lightened complexion 

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).