Dry Brush for Strawberry Legs – Does it Work?

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If strawberry legs are getting in the way of your confidence, then dry brushing may be the simple solution you need to get your happiness back. 

Dry brush for strawberry legs: does it really work?

  • Strawberry legs are caused when enlarged pores trap dirt and debris.
  • While not painful or irritating, they can be unsightly.
  • Dry brushing can help alleviate strawberry legs and promote smoothness. 

Let’s take a look at how dry brushing works, as well as some other simple remedies for strawberry legs. Read on for more. 


Dry Brush For Strawberry Legs

Dry Brush

Dry brushing is an age-old Ayurvedic technique that can help reduce the appearance of strawberry legs by unclogging the pores on the body. The only thing that you need is a brush with fairly dense, thick bristles. 

The technique involves massaging the brush without any product over your dry legs in circular, small motions. Remember to always be sure to brush a few days after you have shaved or waxed. 

The technique involves massaging the brush without any product over your dry legs in circular, small motions.

By dry brushing your legs, you’ll help keep the pores clear, and those small dark, annoying spots will be less likely to appear on your legs!

Your skin is particularly sensitive after you have shaved, and if you dry brush them too soon after a fresh shave, you may cause some uncomfortable irritation that will only worsen your condition. 

Other Methods of Remedying Strawberry Legs

Of course, dry brushing is not the only solution in the world, and there are several other methods you can try to relieve strawberry legs. Here are some of the best.

1. Simple exfoliation

You may already have tried this method, but if you have not, give exfoliation a try. 

Regularly exfoliating your legs can help unclog your pores and remove dead skin cells to cleanse any debris that may have clogged them up. What’s more, consistent exfoliation can prevent strawberry legs from cropping up again in the future. 

Most exfoliating scrubs will not only work to rid your body of any signs of strawberry legs but also condition and nourish your skin with other potent ingredients. 

See our list of the best exfoliating scrubs for your legs, and get rid of your strawberry spots!

2. Moisturize after shaving

Once you have cleansed your legs of any dirt and impurities, the most important thing you can do for them is to moisturize them immediately after. If you don’t, you could just end up with strawberry legs again. 

Many body lotions feature soothing ingredients in their formulae to help calm irritation caused by shaving.

Plus, they often smell lovely, which is always a great benefit. 

3. Take hot, steamy showers

Standing in a steaming hot shower is one of the most recommended tips for getting rid of blackheads since the hot steam unclogs your pores and helps you wash away any dirt that may have been trapped within. 

Taking a hot shower and exfoliating your body can help unclog the pores on your face and your legs. The heat helps your pores open up slightly, making it much easier for an exfoliating agent to clean them out and eliminate any impurities. 

4. Change the way you remove hair

If you consistently get strawberry legs after each shave, then the problem may be with how you get rid of your hair. Whether you change the razor you use, shave only when you have a lot of hair to get rid of, switch over to waxing, or simply get laser hair removal, changing the way you remove hair from your legs can be a great benefit. 

It’s important to remember that hair removal can be quite challenging, but there’s always a technique that will work for you without causing any grief. Even if you must try multiple methods, you will eventually find one that never causes strawberry legs again.

5. Laser Hair Removal

Many have found success getting rid of their strawberry legs with laser hair removal. This technique uses IPL or Laser Hair Removal to target the small dark hairs in the pores on your legs.

The Causes of Strawberry Legs

We do several things to our legs that can cause strawberry legs to appear.

1. Shaving

Shaving is perhaps the most common cause of strawberry legs, especially when it’s done with dull, old razors or without shaving cream. Razor burn also often leads to strawberry legs and can also cause folliculitis to develop, as well as ingrown hairs. 

Shaving is perhaps the most common cause of strawberry legs, especially when it’s done with dull, old razors or without shaving cream.

In some people, these ingrown hairs might cause strawberry legs to appear. People with thick body hair are most likely to experience strawberry legs. 

2. Folliculitis

Folliculitis occurs as a result of hair follicles becoming inflamed and sometimes infected. It can be caused by waxing, shaving, or other methods of hair removal that leave the follicle open and exposed. 

However, it can also be caused by exposure to years, bacteria, and fungus. The condition generally starts as small blisters or red bumps, which can later develop into scabs that take very long to heal. 

Folliculitis has also been linked to ingrown hairs that have difficulty breaking through the skin. This can also cause the appearance of discolored skin that is characteristic of strawberry legs. 

3, Clogged pores

There are thousands upon thousands of pores on the skin of your legs, and like all other pores around your body, they can become blocked with dead skin, bacteria, and general dirt. 

Pores that are clogged like this are known as open comedones. When the oil within these clogged pores becomes exposed to air, it oxidizes and becomes a dark brown or black color – these are what are commonly known as blackheads. 

These blackheads can be easier to detect if you have larger pores or thick body hair. 

4. Very dry skin

Dry skin can cause strawberry legs or exacerbate the symptoms of the condition. However, the dryness itself is not the cause of darkened pores. 

If you have extremely dry skin, then you are at a much higher risk of developing irritation when you shave. This means that you might be more susceptible to developing folliculitis, razor burn, and, of course, strawberry legs. 

If you have extremely dry skin, then you are at a much higher risk of developing irritation when you shave.

Dryness also makes folliculitis, keratosis pilaris, razor burn, and open comedones more obvious to the naked eye.

The best way to combat issues related to dry skin is to moisturize your legs regularly, especially after you get out of the bath or shower, as well as after you have shaved.

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).