Botox For Jowls: Does Botox Help?

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As we age, our skin starts to lose that youthful appearance. But the good news is the toxic wrinkle crusher Botox is here to work its magic! Botox can be used to prevent jowls from sagging your skin. 

Throughout this article, we’ll answer the question “Does Botox Help Jowls?”. We will look at how jowls are formed and what surgical and nonsurgical methods can eliminate them. You’ll end up with a clear understanding of how Botox can improve your skin. 

By the end, you’ll have enough information to prevent jowls from wreaking havoc on your look. Keep reading to find ways to slow down the aging process with the help of Botox.


Does Botox Help Jowls?

The jowls are located on the lower part of your cheeks. They are not always attributed as a sign of age. However, through the increasing popularity of Botox, people use costly injections to slow down the aging process. 

While Botox injections are often placed on the forehead, it is the jowls that people often find themselves more bothered by.

They view the face jowls to determine if any aging has occurred.

Based on a few studies, people are more likely to view the shape of their faces to determine if they’re aging. 

Gravity starts to take effect on your face the more we age. Combine this with other factors such as loss of elasticity and muscle weakness, and that’s when you’ll notice a drop in our facial jowls. 

Does Botox Help Jowls? Yes! When Botox is injected into the jawline, it relaxes the Platysma muscle. This treatment stops the jaw from being pulled down.

If applied to the nerves around the area, it will lead to a lifted jawline. 

It’s also important to note that the effectiveness of this treatment varies from person to person.

While it may work amazingly well for one person, it might have a droopier effect on someone else.

The success of your Botox procedure depends on factors such as age, weight, the skill of the administrator, and the quality of the Botox product that’s used. 

What Are Jowls?

Jowls is a term used to describe the sagging of your skin. As you age, your skin produces less collagen and elastin. As a result, your skin will lose its elasticity and become thinner over time. 

Jowls are less defined in people with fat, thicker skin, and collagen underneath the chin and cheeks.

Some people can develop jowls based on their lifestyle choices, genetics, and environmental factors. 

How Are Jowls Produced?

Lack of Collagen

Over time, the skin on your jawline and cheeks will start to lose collagen and become less elastic. Collagen is a skin protein that makes your body’s connective tissue. Elastin is a protein that allows your skin to keep its normal appearance after it’s been stretched. 

Once there is a lack of these proteins, your skin will start to lose its tightness and firmness. When this occurs, gravity causes your skin to drag and move to another area in your skin. 

You can tackle this in many ways. Collagen supplementation, creams with collagen, derma-rollers, laser treatments, etc. all are possibilities.

Lifestyle and Environmental Factors

Jowls can form onto your face due to a myriad of lifestyle choices. Here are some of them:

UV Exposure

Tan in the Sand

The UV rays from the sun or from a tanning bed can negatively affect your skin and your general health. When going outside or to a beach, make sure you have sunscreen with the correct amount of SPF (and just skip the tanning bed altogether!). Doing so will protect your skin from the sun’s rays and keep it from drooping downward.

See our outdoor tanning tips for more information.

Weight loss

When you gain weight, your skin stretches to make up for the increased size. However, your skin might sag if you start to lose weight. 


Nicotine and other tobacco chemicals can cause your skin to lose elastin and collagen. Smoking narrows the blood vessels, making them more narrow and more difficult to receive healthy nutrients such as Vitamin A. 

Facial Expressions

Constant facial expressions can reduce its elasticity. Certain expressions can stretch out the neck skin or your face.  

Watch out, Jim Carrey!

‌How Can I Prevent Jowls From Forming? 

You might develop jowls because of factors you’re unable to control. But there’s a lot you can do to prevent the jowls from sagging prematurely.

Avoid Smoking

The chemicals from cigarettes and other tobacco products will ruin your skin. 

Posture When Using a Device

When using a compute or your phone, make sure your head is at a comfortable angle. Doing so prevents your neck from getting stretched out. Take regular breaks, and when you’re holding your phone, don’t crane your neck down. Lift your phone up.


Botox is a simple way to prevent jowls from appearing on your skin. While it is injected into your skin via a needle, it’s less invasive than other cosmetic surgical methods. 

Once the Botox is inside your skin, it works by relaxing the jaw muscles where jowls tend to occur. That way, you’ll have less tension in your face and healthier skin. 

Know your Botox practitioner before getting an injection. During the consulting stage, it’s okay to ask for their credentials and certifications. Doing so will ensure that you have a professional Botox specialist that will deliver the results you’re looking for. 

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are made of hyaluronic acid. This material is injected into your chin and neck to fill the jowls and reduce their sagginess.

Some fillers will help your body create more collagen to freshen the skin. 


The surgeon will use a microcannula to remove fat from your chin area with liposuction. In addition, they reshape the jawline and skin to prevent sagging from occurring. After the procedure, patients will need a few days to weeks to recover. 

Face Lift

This procedure involves using anesthesia. Once it’s completed, it will take the skin a few days or weeks to recover. 

Neck lifts are done by tightening the muscles, removing fat, and rearranging the neck skin to fit your jawline. This incision is placed around the ear and extends to your hairline. 

In this scenario, you might want to opt for a full facelift. Facelift procedures rearrange the skin, tighten facial muscles, and remove fat from your lower body. As a result, your face and neck will appear the same. 

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).