Can You Moisturize After a Fake Tan?

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It is no secret that happy skin is hydrated skin. Even when you have a tan, it’s important to keep the skin hydrated. But what about a sunless tan? Can you moisturize after a fake tan?

Yes, it’s a good thing! But how often, and what type of moisturizer should you use? and will it affect the tan itself? Yes, you can moisturize after tanning (well not right after), and your body will love it.

All great questions that we have the answers for.

Read on to find out how to moisturize after tanning and make that fake bake last longer.


Can You Moisturize After a Fake Tan?

Yes, but there are a few things to keep in mind.

Since tanning solutions develop slowly, it’s not good to start moisturizing until you’ve showered.

Ideally, you’ll wait eight hours after applying the fake tanner, but don’t wait more than 24 hours.

If you moisturize before taking the first shower, it can create streaks within the tan and will make you look like a zebra!

If you moisturize before taking the first shower, it can create streaks within the tan and will make you look like a zebra!

As soon as you moisturize for the first time, keep a routine of moisturizing regularly so your skin will remain hydrated.

Moisturize at least twice a day, after day three, right after taking a shower.

This will help your body lock in any remaining moisture on the body – just what your skin needs. 

What Type of Moisturizers Do I Need to Avoid When Tanning?

Unfortunately, fake tans are not all the same and are far from equal. For example, some tanners contain ingredients that are bad for your skin and dry it out.

Lately, we’ve been really interested in self-tanning waters. These clear self-tanners are great on the skin and have no artificial bronzers. They’re a little more complicated to apply than standard fake tanners, but if you have a mitt and are thorough, you’ll be fine.

It wouldn’t make sense to buy one of these as you are trying to moisturize and hydrate your skin. 

Always read the label of your moisturizer and avoid purchasing those with specific ingredients that are bad for your tan and your skin.

Here we have included a few ingredients that you want to avoid when it comes to moisturizing your tan:

  • Artificial fragrances
  • Mineral oils 
  • Essential oils
  • Toners 

Whenever you moisturize after getting a spray tan or other fake tan, make sure not to use anything that may dry your skin out or shorten the duration of the tan.

Keeping your skin healthy requires moisturizing. However, you need to pick a moisturizer that does its job effectively.

Keeping your skin healthy requires moisturizing. However, you need to pick a moisturizer that does its job effectively.

After Tan Care Tips

With your newly bronzed skin, you’re all set to go! Here are a few tips for prolonging the glow (see here for more):

  • If you’re taking a shower, use only warm water. You should avoid taking a long, hot shower (despite how nice they are.).
  • Exfoliants should only be used when it is time for a new tan or you’re saying goodbye to tanning for a while. You want to exfoliate before a fake tan, not after.
  • Ensure that you only use a lotion that is free of mineral oil twice a day when moisturizing.
  • Always use organic tanners and lotions when possible
  • Ensure that the lotion you use is as natural and organic as possible
  • Use a ph balanced body wash that is not as harsh as shower gels and soaps can strip the tan off your skin
  • Always pat the skin dry gently. Avoid harsh rubbing. This will remove the tan quite fast

It is important to moisturize when you tan, so make sure you hydrate your skin. Now you know it is safe and easy to do. Nothing is stopping you. Follow the simple tips above to keep your beautiful bronze tan looking its best for as long as possible.

Does Moisturizing After a Fake Tan Prolong It?

Let’s talk about how a fake tan works. The DHA in fake tanners colors the skin cells found on the top of the skin. These are dead skin cells that continuously shed over time.

When you moisturize, you hydrate the skin and prolong the look and skin cells. 

The fewer cells you shed, the longer your tan will last. This is why exfoliation is so bad after a fake tan.

The fewer cells you shed, the longer your tan will last. This is why exfoliation is so bad after a fake tan.

It is very beneficial to moisturize the whole body every day to keep your tan looking perfect for up to 7 days.

If you want your tan to last a bit longer than the 7 days, you can look at adding a fast-acting tanner over the top or a tinted mist spray to add more color and top the tan up.

Some misting tanners contain a moisturizer that can be applied to the skin the same way as a moisturizer.

Within a few minutes, you will see a tanning glow. 


When your tan is glowing, keep a strict moisturizing routine to keep your skin looking fresh, hydrated, and tanned for as long as you can. Moisturizing after a tan and every day after is the key to keeping your tan as it prevents flaking and cracking.

Remember to always use skin-loving ingredients.

Your bronze skin will thank you!

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).