Does Self-Tanner Expire? Everything You Need to Know About Your Tan’s Expiration Date

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You’ve found it! That glorious golden-glow-inducing self-tanner that makes you look like you’ve just returned from a sun-soaked vacation. You love it so much you’re tempted to buy a gallon-sized jug of it.

But wait! Before you make a commitment that rivals some marriages in length, let’s talk about shelf life.

Unlike your favorite bag of chips, cosmetic products like self-tanners often don’t come with a handy “best by” date. You might be wondering, “Does self tanner expire?” Well, my sun-kissed friend, the quick answer is: yes.

Like that gallon of milk lurking in the back of your fridge, self-tanners also have an expiration date, usually around the 12-month mark, give or take depending on a few factors.

Now you might be picturing an army of tiny expired self-tanner molecules, revolting and wrecking your perfect tan. How do you know when they go rogue? Can you still use them if they’ve overstayed their welcome?

Fasten your seatbelt because we’re diving into the world of self-tanner shelf life. All these burning questions and more will be answered in the lines to come. Ready? Let’s go!


What Are The Key Ingredients in Self Tanner?

Ready for a quick science lesson that won’t put you to sleep in the back of class? Let’s uncover the magic behind your favorite self-tanners. These are like your skin’s best buddies, working overtime to give you that flawless sun-kissed glow.

The MVPs (Most Valuable Players) of self-tanners are DHA (Dihydroxyacetone) and Erythrulose. No, these aren’t the names of distant galaxies, they’re actually sugars!

These sweet friends react with the proteins on the top layer of your skin, creating a beautiful brown color – sort of like how a cut apple turns brown when it’s exposed to air.

DHA is the speedy one of the pair, creating a tan in just a few hours, while Erythrulose takes its sweet time, gradually darkening your skin over a day or two. It’s the perfect tag team, ensuring your tan develops evenly and lasts longer.

These ingredients won’t clog your pores or irritate your skin like some other tanning products. In fact, most self-tanners also come packed with skin-loving goodies like vitamins A & E, hydrating hyaluronic acid, soothing aloe leaf extract, and others. Some even have caffeine extract to perk up your skin (but sorry, it won’t replace your morning coffee).

So, there you have it! Your self-tanner isn’t just a pretty face, it’s a cleverly crafted mix of science and skincare. Let’s move on to the next burning question: Does it expire? Read on to find out!

Does Self-Tanner Expire?

Tanned AF Self Tanner

So you’ve accidentally ordered enough self-tanner to make an entire cheerleading squad glow, or maybe you’re just a fan of buying in bulk. The question pops up, “How long do I actually have to use up this sun-in-a-bottle before it turns into a pumpkin?”

The answer might surprise you: while there’s no law requiring cosmetic products to have an expiration date, they do indeed expire.

How Long Is Self Tanner Good For?

Think of your self-tanner as a carton of milk – it’s usually good for about 12 months. So when you crack open that bottle of Tan Physics  (which we’ve reviewed here), the countdown begins. After about a year, it’s time to say goodbye.

But wait, there’s a catch! This can vary from product to product, and even depends on how the self-tanner is packaged.

Ever noticed how some foods stay fresh longer in certain packaging? Self-tanners are the same.

Self-Tanning Lotions

Those lotion  self-tanners, like the ones from Mystic Tan, get exposed to air each time you open them, which makes them expire faster.

Fake Tan Mousse

On the other hand, those packed as a mousse  in a sealed container with a pump are the introverts of self-tanners. They don’t interact with air as much, so they tend to last longer.

Tanning Towelettes

And those handy-dandy tanning towels? These gems generally have a lifespan of about 12 months. But if they’re exposed to air, they dry out quicker, so keep them sealed for longevity.

Expiration Dates

The bottom line is, self-tanners do have a shelf life. Some manufacturers are kind enough to stamp an expiration date on them (thank you!). For others, it’s on you to remember when you first cracked them open.

What Impacts the Shelf Life of Self Tanner?

Well, much like the secret to a long-lasting tan, it’s all about care and maintenance. Let’s check out the factors that can affect the lifespan of your self-tanner:

1. Storage Conditions

Ever left a chocolate bar in the sun and come back to a gooey mess? The same principle applies to self-tanners. If exposed to heat, direct sunlight, or humidity, your self-tanner might start acting like that unfortunate chocolate bar. So, for the love of all things tan, keep your self-tanner in a cool, dark place.

2. Air Exposure

Air is a self-tanner’s worst enemy. Once you’ve opened your self-tanner, it’s exposed to air, which starts a countdown to its expiry date. So, make sure you close that lid tight after each use to keep the air out.

3. Packaging

The type of packaging can also play a role in the longevity of your self-tanner. For instance, self-tanners in airtight pump bottles may last longer than those in jars because they limit the product’s exposure to air.

4. Quality of Ingredients

The quality of ingredients in your self-tanner matters too. Self-tanners with high-quality, well-preserved ingredients will typically have a longer shelf life than those with lower quality ingredients.

So, in the end, the shelf life of your self-tanner depends on a delicate dance between storage, usage, packaging, and the ingredients themselves. It’s like a tango, but instead of a rose, you’ve got a bottle of self-tanner between your teeth. Keep these factors in mind, and you’ll keep your self-tanner kicking longer!

What Happens If You Use Expired Self-Tanner?

You’ve found that old bottle of self-tanner hidden at the back of your drawer. You’re in a bind, your tan is fading, and you’re tempted to use it. You’re wondering, “What’s the worst that could happen?”

Well, here’s the scoop: using an expired self-tanner might not lead to a skincare apocalypse, but it’s not exactly ideal either.

Let’s break it down:


First things first, expired self-tanner might not give you the sun-kissed glow you’re after. Over time, the active ingredients lose their effectiveness, leading to a tan that’s more streaky horror than bronzed goddess.

Skin Irritation

Ever been to a concert where the band just doesn’t sound the same live? That’s like your skin and expired self-tanner. Changes in the formula due to air exposure and expiration can lead to your skin reacting differently to the product. This could mean irritation, rashes, or even breakouts, especially if you have sensitive skin.


Lastly, let’s talk looks.

As the self-tanner ages, it can separate or change color, leading to an uneven application. You may end up with a tan that’s patchy or an unusual color. It’s like trying to paint a masterpiece with old, dried-out paint – not exactly the results you were hoping for!

While expired self-tanners aren’t toxic and aren’t likely to cause severe harm, the risks to your skin and your look just aren’t worth it.

For a flawless, glowing tan, it’s always better to use fresh, high-quality products. And remember, the perfect tan isn’t just about the product, but also about the application. So grab a tanning mitt, learn the proper techniques and aftercare, and your tan will be turning heads in no time!

No products found.

How to Check If Your Fake Tan Is Out of Date

Ever found yourself staring at a bottle of self-tanner, wondering if it’s past its prime? While some products conveniently come with an expiration date, many don’t, leaving you to play detective. No worries, though – we’ve got the tools for the job!

If it’s been a year since you opened that bottle, it might be time to say goodbye. But, if you’re not sure, here are a few simple tests to check if your self-tanner is still in the game:

Do A Patch Test

Ever heard the saying, “It’s what’s on the inside that counts?” Well, when it comes to self-tanner, it’s what’s on the outside that matters. A patch test will show you if your self-tanner can still deliver the goods.

Apply a small amount of the product to a discreet area of your skin, like your arm or leg. If it still gives you the golden glow you’re after, you’re good to go!

Check The Color

They say you eat with your eyes first, and the same goes for your self-tanner. If it looks green, it’s likely past its prime. The green hue means the colorants and DHA have degraded, usually due to air or heat exposure. This is particularly common in self-tanners with bronzers .

Check The Consistency

Just like that jar of old peanut butter in the back of your cupboard, the consistency of self-tanner can change when it’s expired. It might feel too watery, lumpy, or thicker than usual. But don’t jump to conclusions – sometimes, all it needs is a good shake!

Do A Sniff Test

Lastly, give your self-tanner a good sniff. If the smell has changed, it might be time for a new bottle. But remember, self-tanners and fragrant fields of lavender don’t exactly go hand in hand. DHA, the active ingredient in most self-tanners, isn’t known for its pleasant scent, so don’t be put off by an unusual smell straight out of the bottle.

What To Do With Expired Self-Tanner

So you’ve just discovered that your self-tanner has expired. What next? Do you just chuck it in the bin and move on? Well, not so fast!

First of all, don’t attempt to use it on your skin – it’s not worth the risk of a streaky tan or potential skin irritation. But before you write it off completely, here are a few ideas on what to do with that expired self-tanner:

  1. Use it as a Craft Supply: Believe it or not, expired self-tanner can be a unique medium for craft projects. Its ability to stain can be used to give a vintage, weathered look to paper or fabric. But remember, always test it first on a small sample!
  2. Practice Your Application Technique: If you’re new to self-tanning or want to try a new application method, an expired self-tanner can be your test dummy. This way, you can perfect your technique without wasting a fresh bottle. Just remember to rinse it off after!
  3. Proper Disposal: If you’ve decided to say farewell to your expired self-tanner, make sure you dispose of it correctly. Don’t pour it down the sink or toilet – it can harm the environment. Instead, check your local waste disposal guidelines for the correct way to dispose of cosmetics.

Remember, while an expired self-tanner may no longer be good for your skin, it doesn’t mean it’s completely useless. With a bit of creativity, you can find a new purpose for it.

But when it comes to your skin, always make sure to use a fresh, non-expired product to ensure the best results and safety.

How to Extend the Shelf Life or Your Self Tanner

We’ve already established that self-tanners have a shelf life. But what if you could extend that shelf life, ensuring your favorite bronzing buddy stays with you a bit longer? Here are some tips on how to do just that:

  1. Store it Correctly: Self-tanners prefer cool, dark places. So, make sure to store your tanner in a drawer or cabinet away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Avoid keeping it in your bathroom if it gets steamy during showers, as the heat and humidity can speed up the degradation process.
  2. Tightly Seal the Container: Each time you use your self-tanner, make sure you tightly close the lid or cap. This helps prevent air from getting in, which can speed up the oxidation process and lead to quicker expiration.
  3. Avoid Contamination: Always use clean, dry hands or a clean applicator when dispensing your self-tanner. Any germs or bacteria introduced into the product can encourage spoilage.
  4. Buy Smaller Bottles: If you only self-tan occasionally, consider buying smaller bottles. Yes, larger bottles may offer more bang for your buck, but if you don’t use it up before it expires, it’s not such a good deal after all.

By following these tips, you can help ensure your self-tanner stays at its best for as long as possible. Just remember, even with the best care, all self-tanners will eventually expire, so always pay attention to how it looks, smells, and performs.

Final Thoughts

Yes, it’s true. Your trusty bottle of self-tanner won’t last forever. Typically, you can expect about a year of optimal tanning action before the product starts to lose its mojo.

Don’t worry, though. Even if you’ve accidentally slathered yourself in expired self-tanner, it’s unlikely to turn you into a green-skinned ogre or cause any severe health issues. That said, an expired tanner may not give you the bronzed, sun-kissed glow you were hoping for. Instead, you might end up with streaky, patchy, or less-than-stellar results.

So, how can you tell if your self-tanner has crossed the line from bronzing superstar to tanning dud? Run the simple checks we’ve mentioned earlier – do a patch test, check its color and consistency, and give it a good sniff.

If anything seems off, it’s probably time to bid your old friend goodbye and welcome a new bottle into your beauty routine.

Remember, while laws may not require expiration dates on self-tanners, it’s your responsibility to keep track of your products and ensure they’re still in good shape. Your skin will thank you for it!

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).