Does Lip Gloss Help Chapped Lips?

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For many women, lip gloss is a staple in their daily routine. And why not? Lip gloss is cheap, easy to find, smells good, tastes good, and is a lot easier to remove than lipstick. However, those suffering from dry or chapped lips have asked, “Does lip gloss help with chapped lips?”

When most people think of chapped lips, they tend to think about medicated lip balm and other thick ointments designed to revitalize cracked and dry lips. Unfortunately, lip balm doesn’t exactly offer the pop and glamour offered by most lip gloss brands. 

In today’s post, we’re going to examine whether or not lip gloss is good for chapped lips, how it compares with a traditional lip balm, and if your lip gloss is actually causing your chapped lips.


Does Lip Gloss Help With Chapped Lips? 

Lip Gloss

If you’re reading this, you’ve likely been having a problem with dry, chapped lips. This problem can often be as annoying as it is embarrassing.

In some scenarios, it can cause your lips to crack, peel, and even bleed!

Chapped and peeling lips often cause people to be self-conscious about their appearance. You may find yourself avoiding direct conversations with people, putting off dates and meetings, or wearing your face mask more than usual to prevent others from noticing. 

So, does lip gloss help with chapped lips

The answer is… it depends

Some lip glosses are specially formulated to provide advanced hydration. They may contain extra-hydrating additives, such as shea butter, Vitamin E oil, or other compounds.

When applied, you’ll notice that the lip gloss has a bit of an oily texture. 

In some ways, the added oil can actually enhance the shine factor of the lip gloss, giving your lips a wet, rain-kissed appearance that’s bound to draw some admirable looks.

However, some women don’t, particularly like this oily texture.

Can Lip Gloss Cause Chapped Lips? 

While several brands of lip gloss do help with chapped lips, some brands can cause chapped lips (or at least contribute to dry lips). Now, you may be wondering, “How can any wet gloss cause dryness?” 

Well, it all has to do with the ingredients in the lip gloss. Some lip glosses contain phenol or menthol. These compounds create a pleasurable feeling that leaves the lips feeling cool, tight, and tingly.

However, they’re also very drying chemicals that can cause your lips to become cracked and dry. 

Another common lip gloss additive that can cause chapped lips is salicylic acid. You may recognize the name from the back of your acne toner or face wash. That being said, what is it doing in your lip gloss? 

One of the key complaints about early forms of lip gloss was that it caused breakouts or clogged pores around the lips. The salicylic acid helps to keep the pores surrounding your lips clean and acne-free.

However, it also pulls the moisture out of your lips and can contribute to cracking. 

Can Lipstick Cause Chapped Lips? 

Many of the same people who use lip gloss also dabble with lipstick as well. That being said, you may be wondering if your lipstick may be causing your chapped lips instead of your lip gloss. 

Unfortunately, lipstick can contribute to chapped lips just as much (if not more so) than your lip gloss. This is due to lipstick’s high wax content and relatively low oil content. 

While most lip gloss contains some added oils designed to hydrate your lips, lipstick avoids these altogether. The thick, waxy consistency of the lipstick is what helps it retain its vibrant colors and create a long-lasting seal that can stay on all night long.

However, the wax also pulls the moisture out of your lips and causes dryness, especially when worn for long periods of time. 

Is Lip Balm Better For Chapped Lips? 

If you’re dealing with dry, cracked, or chapped lips, then your best bet is to use a high-quality medicated lip balm (even if they can feel like they’re burning on occasion!). These lip balms are specifically designed to provide your delicate lips with advanced hydration.

They can also protect your lips from the sun, which further dries your lips. 

Final Tips

Chapped lips don’t have to last forever, and you don’t have to completely stop using lip gloss or lipstick. Your best bet is to limit the amount of time you wear lip gloss or lipstick for and to instead apply a medicated, hydrating lip balm throughout the day. 

If you’re the type who just can’t go without their daily lip gloss, then you may find that a specialized, hydrating lip balm with added moisturizers and oils is the best solution.

Last but not least, don’t forget to drink water and stay hydrated! Proper hydration is key to avoiding chapped lips.

See also:

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).