Is Waxing Good For Your Skin?

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Body hair is something we’re all stuck with. However, some people may not exactly like it much, particularly in certain places! You may cut with razors or any other equipment, but nothing is more effective and convenient than waxing your body hair.

If you’re looking to have your hair removed and want it to remain hair-free for several weeks, then waxingis your best bet. However, waxing can be traumatic to the skin, leading to bumps and blood spots.

Is waxing good for your skin, or is it bad? In this article, we’ll look at the impacts of waxing on the skin, and whether you should be concerned.


Is Waxing Good For Your Skin?

Waxing is a process that enables you to remove hair from its root. This removal is done using a sticky wax material. Sometimes this material is heated and painted on the skin, then torn off while dry. Other methods may use wax strips or other tacky materials.

The wax will stick closely to body hair (assuming it’s the proper length), and then once the covering is removed, it’ll uproot the hair from its follicle.

Hair that is waxed will not grow out for about four to six weeks after waxing. Most parts of the body can be waxed, and different methods can be used to wax out the hair.

Waxing can essentially act as a natural supplementary exfoliator, as it will tear off dead skin along with those pesky hairs.

Waxing can essentially act as a natural supplementary exfoliator, as it will tear off dead skin along with those pesky hairs.


Exfoliation is a great way to remove dead skin cells and help your skin regenerate.

Exfoliation helps your skin look younger and get rid of ingrown hairs (which can cause a nasty inflammation). Exfoliating also helps remove dead skin cells so that they don’t clog up pores, leading to acne or blackheads.

The best time to exfoliate is after you’ve waxed because it allows the hair follicles to repair themselves faster.

It also makes sure any debris or bacteria in your pores gets scrubbed away for good!

Waxing Gets Rid Of Ingrown Hairs

If you’ve had ingrown hairs, you know how painful and annoying they can be. Ingrown hairs occur when the hair curls back into your skin instead of growing straight out.

This is due to shaving too closely or using a dull razor, making it easy for the tip of your hair to break off inside your follicle instead of growing outwards. 

The broken-off tip then becomes infected and inflamed, causing pain and redness around the area where the ingrown hair is located.


The good news? Waxing prevents ingrown hairs from forming in the first place—and if they do grow back after waxing, they are less likely to embed themselves under your skin!

Note that if you have ingrown hairs, it’s best to let your waxing technician know beforehand.

Prepare Your Skin Before Waxing

Before you wax, you’ll need to cleanse and exfoliate your skin. If you’re going to shave beforehand, it’s best to wait at least 48 hours after shaving before waxing. You need hair that is long enough for the wax to adhere to, but not so long that the hair will break rather than pull out by the root.

You need hair that is long enough for the wax to adhere to, but not so long that the hair will break rather than pull out by the root.

Wash with a gentle cleanser and pat dry afterward. Once that’s done, apply a moisturizer (even if you think it will cause hair growth).

Waxing Takes Less Time Compared To Other Methods 

Waxing is less time-consuming than shaving, tweezing, and epilating.

Waxing can take anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes per area, depending on how thick your hair grows and how much you want to wax.

However, it doesn’t have to be a chore—you can often treat yourself to a massage or facial during your appointment!

Shaving is faster than epilating because it’s easier for the hair to grow back quickly after shaving. Shaving takes about 2 minutes per area if you use an electric razor like Braun Series 7 (which we love), but please don’t use razors that are not “wet” because they irritate many people’s skin after shaving. If you want smooth legs all year long, go for this option but make sure you moisturize your legs regularly so they stay soft after each shave.

Aftercare Is Key After Waxing

Waxing is a great way to get rid of unwanted hair, but it’s important to take proper care of the skin after getting waxed.

We’ve put together some detailed information on waxing aftercare. See our articles:

And for the short version, be sure to:

  • Use a good moisturizer
  • Avoid direct sun exposure for a few days
  • Wait for the hair to grow out before shaving again (if you’re prone to ingrown hairs)

Benefits Of Waxing 

  • Waxing is great for your skin because it removes unwanted hair, which means less irritation and redness.
  • It works as an exfoliator and will also pull up dead skin, clearing the way for fresh skin to grow underneath
  • You can get a smoother shave and avoid ingrown hairs, which can cause inflammation of the follicles as they grow back up through the skin.


Waxing can be good for your skin if done properly, but it can also clearly be quite rough on the skin if not done correctly. If you’re getting a wax at a salon, follow their aftercare instructions, and make sure your hair is the appropriate length before you start.

If you are waxing at home, follow the instructions of the wax you’re using.

Do your waxing properly and it won’t be harmful to your skin.

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).