How To Get Rid of Blood Spots After Waxing

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While waxing can lead to clean and beautiful skin, there are times when it can cause redness, bumps, and even occasionally blood spots. These spots can be challenging to remove at first. But there are some ways to maintain and nurse your skin back to good health. 

This article will discuss How To Get Rid of Blood Spots After Waxing. You can use natural remedies to prevent them from becoming worse by spotting the blood spots beforehand. 

By the end of this article, you’ll know what causes blood spots and how you can care for your skin once it occurs.

That way, you can get the most out of your waxing sessions while not causing long-term damage to your skin. 


What Are Waxing Blood Spots?

Brazilian Waxing

Most post-wax side-effects will appear as red blood spots as a skin rash. A rash is when the skin is irritated or itchy.

Some rashes will lead to patches and blisters on your skin if left untreated. 

Rashes are a condition that is a symptom of multiple medical problems. It’s possible you’re experiencing contact dermatitis. You’ll get the blood spot after touching a chemical-related product or through poison ivy. 

If you’re starting to experience blood spots on your skin, it’s best to gauge the severity of the spots. Minor blood-red spots will go away on their own.

But you should consider speaking to your doctor if the spots don’t go away or you’re noticing other symptoms. 

How To Get Rid of Blood Spots After Waxing

Waxing will on occasion lead to blood spots, but they can last longer if you don’t take care of your skin.

Moisturization is the key!

Here are some ways to restore your skin after waxing. 

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has healing and cooling properties, making it work wonders for your skin. If you experience a lot of bumps after waxing, then have a few jars of aloe vera on your shelf.

After waxing, rub the aloe vera gel onto your skin so it can be absorbed. 

Before going to bed, apply a bit of aloe vera onto the skin. This will ensure that your skin is rejuvenated overnight.

Through the use of aloe vera, you’ll keep your skin protected during the post-waxing process. 

2. Sugar Scrub

Sugar Scrub

Sugar scrubbing is a simple yet effective way to moisturize your skin. You can purchase a pre-made sugar scrub, or make your own.

Grab a teaspoon of sugar and mix it with olive oil.

Then, use the solution to exfoliate your skin post-waxing. This will make your skin smoother and reduce the chances of blood spots after waxing. 

See also:

3. Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a miracle and is in pretty much everything. What can’t it do?

After waxing, gently rub your skin with coconut oil to soothe, moisturize, and restore it.

4. Wear Loose Clothing

Tight-fitting clothes will lead to ingrown hairs and more skin rashes. You should wear loose-fitting, flowy clothing to allow the skin pores to open up and reduce inflammation.

By doing so, your skin will itch less and have less long-term damage. 

5. Use a Cool Compress

Placing cool water on your skin will keep your skin healthy after waxing. Apply a clean napkin with water onto your skin for 15-30 minutes. This will ensure that the blood spot appearances are reduced. 

6. Clean and Exfoliate

Without cleaning your skin, you run the risk of it getting infected. Slowly clean your targeted area with lukewarm water when you’re done waxing. You can exfoliate your skin by placing a pumice stone in the area filled with blood spots. 

Within 24-48 hours before waxing, use a mild brush to eliminate the dead skin cells. Make sure that you’re gentle throughout the process – scrubbing too hard will irritate the skin. 

How Long Do Blood Spots Last After Waxing?

Unfortunately these little blood spots can last for up to a week after your waxing session. Blood spots on some areas of the body will last longer than others, and the more you use the soothing methods discussed above, the quicker the blood spots will subside.

What Causes Blood Spots After Waxing?

Here are some of the main reasons why you’re experiencing post-wax blood spots: 

Ingrown Hairs

Ingrown hairs are a primary reason why blood spots occur. Ingrown hair grows back into the skin and can be difficult to remove. It looks similar to acne, but ingrown hair has an appearance of small bumps that’s warm and sometimes painful to the touch. 

Sometimes, you can see ingrown hair underneath the skin. You’re more likely to get ingrown hair if you have curly or rough hair.

They will appear as bumps a few days after waxing. If you’ve got them before waxing, inform your tech that you’ve got them, and they will deal with them in an appropriate manner.

See also: Is It OK To Wax With Ingrown Hairs?

For those suffering from folliculitis, an infection might experience cysts or white pus bumps due to the ingrown hair. The infection could occur due to the hair follicle getting infected with staph bacteria. 


Another reason why you see blood spots is due to Folliculitis. Folliculitis occurs when the hair is damaged during the hair removal process.

At this time, your hair is more vulnerable to bacteria, making it harder for it to grow back. 

The bacteria will then create a rash-like appearance and will look slightly bumpy on the skin.

Folliculitis is an infection that is caused by inflammation and will be removed after a few days. 

Contact Dermatitis

If you have sensitive skin, it can become irritated during the waxing process. Detergents and fragrances used are also contributing factors to dermatitis.

If you’re experiencing a rash through dermatitis, it will become itchy with additional side effects such as a stinging feeling on the skin and swelling. 

How To Avoid a Skin Infection

Home Waxing

Avoiding a post-wax infection all boils down to proper skin care. Make sure to wax yourself in a safe and clean environment, whether that be in a salon or at home.

This could mean using sterilizing equipment and disinfecting spray to prevent damage to the skin. 

Don’t store your waxing warmers inside a bathroom counter where they can get coated in germs and bacteria. If it appears dirty, wipe it off with a cotton ball mixed with alcohol.  

How To Avoid Burns When Waxing

Place the wax container on a microwave-safe plate if you’re using microwaveable wax. Grab an oven mitt and remove the plate before applying. This is safer than directly grabbing the wax from the container. 

Remember, soft wax requires higher temperatures to operate. Due to the higher temperature, you increase the chance of getting a burn or blood spots on your skin. Soft wax is the wax that needs muslin strips to remove the hair from your skin.

Hard wax feels pliable, but it will cool down the longer it is on your skin.  Make sure you test the temperature before using it. 

See also:

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).