Does Fungus Eliminator Really Work?

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You can no longer ignore the thick, discolored, brittle, and deformed nail on your toe! You’ve been doing a great job of covering it with nail polish, but now the toenail has become tender to the touch when you wear shoes. Time to deal with it.

But how?

It depends on the person, everyone’s different. But if you’ve researched and chosen a more natural path, you may have seen the marketing sales pitch or heard the hype surrounding Fungus Eliminator .

Does Fungus Eliminator really work? There are many over-the-counter products that profess to eliminate toenail fungus. Do any of them work? We’ll dig into that question below.


A Fungus Among Us

Fungus Eliminator

Toenail fungus is a very common health issue. In fact, more than 35 million American adults suffer with it, although it can develop at any age.

So, there’s no doubt that there are many people who would benefit from a product that will help to eliminate it for good!

Fungus Eliminator is manufactured by PureHealth Research, which offers products, including nutritional supplements and skincare, that can help people to restore and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

This means Fungus Eliminator itself isn’t a medicine. It is a dietary supplement that uses herbs and other natural ingredients to support your body’s immune system.

Supporting your immune system is a vital part to combating any fungal infection, not only on your toes and toenails, but also your fingernails, hair, and skin. Your gut health is also an important part of this process, because the elimination of parasites and toxins from the body will help to get rid of the fungus, which Fungus Eliminator also works to support.

Does Fungus Eliminator Really Work?

Fungus Eliminator

The product is formulated to destroy fungus from the root by entering the bloodstream, finding the infection, and destroying it before it causes more harm.

It also helps your immune system by reducing inflammation, and can also be used to treat ringworm and athlete’s foot.

Over the Counter Nail Fungus Treatments

The problem with most OTC nail fungus treaments is that… well… that they don’t work. They don’t do much of anything for most people, other than cost money. Some people report success, particularly if they’re treated early. But most people find that these treatments don’t do anything at all.

There have been no successful studies finding benefits from any of these treatments. See our look at Kerasal and Emuaid for more information.

The other part of the equation is that it can take a while to determine if the treatment you’re using is working. This makes toenail fungus challenging to deal with.

If you really want a non-prescription treatment, you could try some home remedies, some of which are ingredients in OTC treatments. They may not work, but at least they’re probably free.

For more information, see:

Inside For Outside

Fungus Eliminator Ingredients

Topical creams, oils, and lotions in themselves don’t always do the job of getting rid of fungal toenail infections, because they only affect the outer layers your skin. Even when absorbed, they can’t reach or eradicate the toxins in your bloodstream, which is where fungus like Candida can grow. Fungus can grow internally.

Fungus Eliminator works by helping the body flush out the fungal infection due to its combination of natural ingredients, which also boost the immune system to make your body stronger. This means it will be better prepared to defend against other bacterial, viral and fungal infections.

Fungus Eliminator’s natural and organic active ingredients include:


Also known as Artemisia absinthium, has been widely used for its medicinal value of fighting bacterial infections, germs and fungi through generating energy more quickly.

Apple Cider Vinegar 

Many people use this ingredient topically on their toenail fungus to great effect. Apple cider vinegar balances the hormones in your gut to reduce blood sugar and reduce fungal infection.


This popular herb in its essential oil form contains thymol, which acts as an anti-fungal, antibiotic and antimicrobial agent to heal fungus on the toenails. It also cures ringworm and athlete’s foot.

Garlic Bulb 

Raw garlic is known to help fight against viral, yeast and fungal infections. Many people have successfully used raw garlic alone to treat toenail fungus, as well as plantar warts.

Olive Leaf Extract 

This natural herb helps to prevent, as well as treat, fungus and yeasts like Candida by attacking these parasites.


This spice is now known for its bioactive compound curcumin, which have amazing anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation in the body to speed up healing.

These are just a few of the natural and organic ingredients used to formulate Fungus Eliminator. Vegans and vegetarians should beware, though, because other ingredients in the capsule itself include gelatine.

The Choice Is Yours

Some of these ingredients are associated with lessened toenail fungus. If you’re willing to wait and see what happens, go ahead and give Fungus Eliminator (or any of the other at-home treatments) a shot. If you caught the fungus early enough, maybe it will work.

If not, you’ll likely have to resort to going to your doctor for prescription medication or laser treatments.

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).