Can You Smoke After Lip Blushing?

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When it comes to innovative cosmetic procedures, there is always something new to check out! And lip blushing is one such trend that has gained in popularity over the past couple of years.

Lip blushing, which is a semi-permanent cosmetic procedure that is similar to tattooing, works by depositing pigments in your lips with small needles to alter the shape and color of your natural lips. It makes your lips appear fuller and younger-looking.

But what things do you need to consider before considering this new lip trend? For example, if you’re a smoker, you may be wondering: can you smoke after lip blushing?

It’s not a good idea to smoke for the first several days after a lip blushing procedure (and it’s not a good idea to smoke at all!). It takes about two weeks to heal completely. We’ll explain below.


Can You Smoke After Lip Blushing?

After a lip blushing treatment, your lips will feel quite tender and be swollen from the needle. This swelling is from your body’s lymph fluid, and is a normal reaction to healing process from the tattoo needles.

The swelling should disappear after an hour or so, but your lips won’t be healed by then. Take care the next time you have a smoke so as not to hinder the healing process.

Ideally, you should avoid smoking for a few days after lip blushing, or if you do smoke, try to avoid touching your lips to the cigarette material. Your lips need time to heal, and time to let the pigments get settled.

Other things you should avoid after your lip blushing procedure are:

  • Sun exposure
  • Drinking without a straw
  • Biting into citrus fruits or foods that could cause friction like hard bread
  • Tooth whitening products,
  • Lip makeup, lipsticks, glosses, and balms.

You should also avoid kissing or rubbing of the skin Because if you irritate your bruised lips too much, you put yourself at risk of catching a bacterial or viral infection, or even some scarring.

Lip Blushing 101

Lip brushing is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures around at the moment. So, if you’re obsessed with beauty, and love the effect that a lip tint and fuller lips can give you, then maybe it’s time to think about having a lip brushing treatment yourself.

So, what exactly is lip brushing? Well, it’s a type of semi-permanent makeup treatment that is basically like having your lips tattooed with color pigment.

As we get older, the natural pigments on our lips lose their color, as well as the definition on our lip line.

So, what exactly is lip brushing? Well, it’s a type of semi-permanent makeup treatment that is basically like having your lips tattooed with color pigment.

This is why older women especially, tend to use a lipliner to recover some of this definition, as well as make the lips appear bigger by re-contouring the lip line.

Lip blushing will fix this problem by not only adding a natural semi-permanent color to your lips, but also giving the illusion of a fuller mouth, which is probably why it’s become such a popular treatment.

For the cost of between $500 and $1500, depending on your location and the level of experience of your lip blushing technician, you can have this corrective service to even out the tone of your lips.

It does this by building layers of color from the pigment, which is deposited into the skin with a tiny mechanized needle, just like a real tattoo.

And this is why it is recommended that you definitely avoid smoking after having this procedure done.

Not only is it a possibility that some pigment may be lost through the smoke, but also the filter can pull off some of the color, due to your lips not being healed properly.

Does The Lip Blushing Process Hurt?

If you’ve ever had a tattoo done, then you’ll know it can hurt — a lot! Of course, this will depend on how high your pain threshold is, though.

However, if you’re worried about enduring extreme pain in this sensitive area during your treatment, then there is something available that will alleviate the torture.

And anyway, you know the saying, “no pain, no gain”.

So, if you’re still nervous about having a needle tattooing your lips, don’t worry, because you’re not alone. In fact, because lips are one of the most sensitive areas on the body, most people who have a lip blushing treatment will have some slight discomfort. And therefore, they will be offered some pain relief.

So, don’t be afraid, because your cosmetic technician will likely use a numbing gel to help relieve the pain. Just make sure that they’re qualified, and know exactly what they’re doing.

Don’t be afraid, because your cosmetic technician will likely use a numbing gel to help relieve the pain. Just make sure that they’re qualified, and know exactly what they’re doing.

They should also use a stretching technique that will help to alleviate the pain, and this is something you can ask them about to be assured that they have enough experience in this matter.

Here’s a short video showing what these stretching techniques look like.

The numbing gel should do the trick of making sure that you will only feel slight discomfort, and not excruciating pain. It is also advised that you don’t take matters into your own hands and use a painkiller before going under the needle.

This is because using painkillers has the potential to increase bleeding during the procedure, as well as severe bruising afterwards, which definitely won’t be a good look.

How Long Does Lip Blushing Last?

It will take about two weeks for your lips to fully heal before you really see what the final color may be. If you’re not entirely happy with the result, then you can schedule with your lip blushing technician to have a second procedure done after about two months.

This timespan is allocated, because your lips will peel during the first week, and they won’t fully heal until about a month after you have your lip blushing treatment. By that time, time they will probably peel again and then need another round of healing fully.

After your procedure or any follow-up treatments, your lip blushing should last for up to a year. Of course, everyone’s skin is different because of factors like lifestyle, health, and skincare routines. But in general, the darker the color of pigment used, the longer your lip blushing treatment will last.

After your procedure or any follow-up treatments, your lip blushing should last for up to a year. Of course, everyone’s skin is different because of factors like lifestyle, health, and skincare routines. But in general, the darker the color of pigment used, the longer your lip blushing treatment will last.


Lip blushing is an enhancing cosmetic procedure that can make your lips look naturally beautiful and fuller without having to resort to having fillers done, which can cause problems of their own.

But if you choose to have this innovative treatment done, then you should take our recommendations outlined above, and avoid the things that can cause your lip blushing treatment to go wrong.

So, can you smoke after lip blushing? Our verdict is a firm no. And if you really want to keep your skin in the best shape regardless, why not consider kicking the habit altogether? Your older self’s skin will definitely thank you for it!

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).