How Long After Microblading Can I Wear Makeup? Your Beauty Routine After Brow Transformation

Cosmetologist preparing young woman for eyebrow permanent makeup procedure, closeup
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In the realm of beauty enhancements, microblading has emerged as a game-changer, offering fuller and perfectly shaped brows. But as you revel in your new and improved brows, a pressing question may arise: “How long after microblading can I wear makeup?”

Navigating post-procedure care is crucial, not just for the longevity of your microblading results, but also for skin health.

In this guide, we’ll dive deep into the do’s and don’ts of makeup post-microblading, ensuring your brows stay flawless and your skin remains pristine.


Miroblading Aftermath

Microblading is a semi-permanent cosmetic procedure that involves depositing pigment into the skin using small needles, creating natural-looking hair strokes throughout the brows. With results lasting anywhere between 18 and 30 months, proper aftercare plays a significant role in the healing process.

During the recovery phase, you may be advised to avoid certain activities, such as spending time in the sun, showering, exercising, and, of course, wearing makeup. The timeline for when you can return to your regular makeup routine depends on your skin type and how well you follow your aftercare instructions.

But generally, it is recommended to avoid makeup around the brow area for a few weeks following the procedure.

Understanding Microblading and its Effects on the Skin

Microblading is a semi-permanent cosmetic procedure that gives you well-defined, natural-looking eyebrows. A trained technician uses small needles to deposit pigment into the skin, creating hair-like strokes throughout the brows. This process forms several tiny cuts in your skin, with the pigment being inserted just below the surface, into the dermis layer.

The effects of microblading on your skin depend on your skin type, as some skin takes to the pigment better than others.

For example, if you have oily skin, the pigment might not last as long and may require more frequent touch-ups (hair stroke and ombre brows are generally recommended for those with oily skin).

It’s essential to understand how your skin responds to the procedure to ensure the best results.

The healing process after microblading is crucial, as your skin needs time to properly recover from the tiny cuts made by the needles during the procedure. During this time, you should be cautious about the products you apply to your skin, including makeup.

It’s generally recommended to avoid wearing makeup near your brows for around 10-14 days after the treatment.

Keep in mind that the full healing process can take anywhere from 4-6 weeks, and it’s crucial to follow aftercare instructions provided by your technician at all times. This may include avoiding excessive sweating, swimming, and sun exposure to protect your newly microbladed brows and promote optimal healing.

Prepping for Microblading: What You Need to Know

Before you schedule your microblading appointment, it’s essential to do some research to find the right artist and salon.

Look for a licensed professional with a good reputation and excellent reviews. Keep in mind that the location of the salon may impact the price of the procedure.

As you prepare for your microblading appointment, consider the age and shape of your eyebrows. It’s important to communicate with your artist about the look you want to achieve. They can provide guidance on the best shape and style to enhance your features.

In the days leading up to your appointment, there are a few key things you’ll want to avoid:

  • Don’t wax or tint your eyebrows: Refrain from waxing or tinting your brows for at least three days before the procedure to avoid irritation. This also allows your artist to get a better idea of your natural brow shape.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine: Abstain from drinking alcohol or consuming caffeine 24-48 hours before the procedure. This helps prevent excessive bleeding during the treatment.
  • Don’t take blood-thinning medications: Avoid using aspirin or ibuprofen for pain relief, as they can thin your blood and affect the microblading process.

When you’ve found a talented, licensed microblading artist, and followed the proper prepping guidelines, you’ll be on your way to achieving the beautiful, natural-looking eyebrows you desire.

Remember, communication is key during your consultation. Your artist is there to help you achieve your perfect brow shape, and they’ll be happy to discuss your preferences and expectations when you arrive at their salon.

What is Microblading Aftercare?

Microblading aftercare is a crucial step to ensure the best results for your newly enhanced eyebrows. It involves following specific instructions provided by your esthetician to help your brows heal correctly and maintain their desired shape and color.

That said, here are common recommendations for microblading aftercare.

Be Gentle

First and foremost, be gentle with your brows. You’ll want to clean them carefully using a mild antibacterial soap and lukewarm water.

Gently dab the area with a soft, clean cloth or cotton pad to remove any excess ointment or debris. This cleaning process should be done twice a day for the first few days.

If you’re going to shower, be sure to wear shower goggles for microblading.

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Moisturize – Carefully

Keeping your brows moisturized is key. Apply a thin layer of ointment or cream recommended by your esthetician to your brows, typically once or twice a day.

Avoid using any heavy lotions or creams, as they can interfere with the healing process and clog your skin pores.

Don’t Touch

It’s crucial to avoid touching or picking at your brows, as this can disrupt the healing process and potentially remove the pigment from your skin.

If you find that your brows feel itchy or irritated, it’s best to apply a small amount of recommended ointment or cream to soothe the area.

Pause Your Skincare Routine

Lastly, be cautious when applying other skincare products to your face.

For the first week or so, you’ll want to steer clear of makeup around the microbladed area, as well as any products containing harsh chemicals or exfoliants. This will help ensure that the pigment settles properly into your skin and minimizes the risk of infection.

How Long After Microblading Can I Wear Makeup?

Post-microblading, it’s crucial to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your technician. That said, generally, you should avoid wearing makeup on and around your brow area for at least 10-14 days.

This timeframe allows your skin to heal and prevents the possibility of irritation or infection that may compromise the pigments and overall results.

During the healing process, it’s essential to keep the area clean and dry. Avoid touching your brows or applying creams, lotions, or oils directly to the treated area. Abstaining from makeup helps maintain the integrity of the pigments, ensuring better color retention and a more natural, long-lasting appearance.

If you must use makeup during the healing period, be extra cautious and avoid applying it directly on your brows. Instead, gently apply makeup around the eyebrow area, but always consult your technician beforehand to ensure you’re making the best decisions for your healing process.

It’s also important to keep in mind that microblading is a form of permanent makeup. As such, the healed results should last anywhere from 1 to 3 years, fading gradually over time. To maintain the longevity of your microbladed brows, it’s essential to follow all aftercare instructions and limit activities that may negatively affect the pigments, such as excessive sun exposure or chemical treatments.

The Healing Process Post-Microblading

The microblading healing process is an essential part of your journey towards beautifully sculpted eyebrows. It’s important to take proper care of your eyebrows during this time and follow the recommended guidelines to ensure the best possible results.

After your microblading procedure, your eyebrows may experience redness and slight swelling.

Don’t be alarmed; this is a normal part of the healing process.

During the first week, scabs and flaking may occur as your skin starts to repair itself. As tempting as it may be, resist the urge to pick at any scabs or peeling skin, as this could lead to scarring.

Make sure to keep the area clean and dry, avoiding any contact with water, soap, or lotion. This will help prevent infections and keep the freshly applied pigment intact. To ensure the best healing, try to avoid any sweating or workouts that may cause excessive moisture around your eyebrows.

Sleeping on your back can also help minimize chances of accidentally rubbing your eyebrows on your pillow.

It is generally recommended to wait at least one week after microblading before wearing makeup on or around your eyebrows. This will give your skin enough time to heal, reducing the risk of infection or damage to the new skin.

When you do start wearing makeup again, only use clean brushes and non-comedogenic products.

As you walk through the microblading healing process, it’s important to remember that everyone’s skin is different. Some people may experience longer periods of redness, swelling, or flaking, while others may heal more quickly.

Some find the microblading disappears temporarily, only to come back after a few days.

With patience and proper aftercare, you’ll soon be able to enjoy the rewards of your beautifully microbladed eyebrows.

What to Avoid After Microblading

After getting your eyebrows microbladed, it’s crucial to take proper care of them to achieve the best results. Here’s a friendly guide on what you should avoid during the healing process.

First things first, you’ll want to avoid sun exposure. Direct sunlight can cause irritation and affect the pigment, potentially leading to fading. If you need to be outside, it’s a good idea to wear a hat and apply sunscreen on the other parts of your face not covered by your hat, but be careful around your brows.

It’s essential to keep your eyebrows as dry as possible, which means avoiding water, shower, sweat, and steam. When you shower, try your best not to get your face wet and prevent water or shampoo from running over your brows.

If you like swimming or taking baths, you may need to hold off for a little while, as excessive moisture can hinder the healing process.

During the first few weeks, it’s also essential to avoid exercise that leads to excessive sweating. Sweat can cause irritation and affect the freshly microbladed brows.

So, this is an excellent time to give yourself a break and skip the gym or any workout session.

Steam and saunas may also cause complications, as they can introduce moisture and bacteria to your brows. Refrain from visiting steam rooms and saunas during the healing process to protect your investment and allow your brows to heal optimally.

Managing Possible Complications After Microblading

First and foremost, it’s important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your technician. This typically involves keeping the area clean and dry, along with avoiding certain activities and products that can interfere with the healing process.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can minimize the risk of complications like infection or skin irritation.

Infection is one of the main concerns following a microblading procedure, as bacteria can enter the small incisions made during the treatment. To avoid infection, be sure to:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly before touching the treated area
  • Clean the area gently with a cotton pad dampened with sterile water or a saline solution
  • Avoid using harsh chemical-based products on the area, such as alcohol
  • Keep the area clean and dry, and refrain from submerging it in water

In addition to preventing infection, it’s crucial to watch for signs of a skin infection, which may include:

  • A persistent, increasing redness around the treated area
  • Swelling that doesn’t subside within a few days
  • Yellow or green discharge, which could indicate pus
  • An unpleasant odor around the treated area

If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s important to consult with your doctor as soon as possible. A medical professional can evaluate the situation and provide the necessary treatment to help you overcome any complications.

It’s also wise to avoid wearing makeup on the treated area until your technician gives you the go-ahead, which will usually be after the initial healing process is complete. Applying makeup too soon can cause irritation, worsen an existing infection, or even result in additional complications.

By staying vigilant and following the proper aftercare measures, you can minimize the risk of complications and enjoy the beautifully enhanced look of your newly microbladed eyebrows.

Follow-Up Care and Touch-Ups

After your microblading procedure, it’s essential to take proper care of your eyebrows and follow your technician’s instructions.

During the first 10 to 14 days, avoid wearing makeup around the eyebrow area to prevent any infections or complications. It’s also crucial to keep the area clean and moisturized.

As your eyebrows heal, you may notice some fading or patchy areas. Don’t worry! This is entirely normal and expected during the healing process. In 6 to 8 weeks, you’ll likely have a follow-up appointment where your technician will assess your healing progress, and may perform a touch-up to address any imperfections, like sparse patches or strokes that disappeared.

Remember that microblading is a two-step process, and the touch-up session is essential to ensure the best possible results.

During this appointment, your technician will make necessary adjustments to the shape, color, and overall appearance of your brows.

It’s crucial to schedule regular touch-ups every 12 to 18 months to maintain your desired look, as pigmentation can fade over time. Factors like skin type, lifestyle, and sun exposure can impact how long your microblading results last.

Frequently Asked Questions

When can I use eyebrow pencil after the procedure?

You should avoid using eyebrow pencil or any other makeup products on your eyebrows for at least 30 days after getting them microbladed 1. This helps ensure the healing process goes smoothly and prevents any potential complications or infections.

How long should I wait to wear face makeup?

It is recommended to avoid wearing makeup on your forehead for 30 days after the microblading procedure 2. This precaution is taken because makeup could seep down and interfere with the healing of your brows.

Can I use foundation after microblading?

You may apply foundation cautiously to your face but avoid applying it directly on or immediately surrounding your eyebrows for at least 30 days after the procedure 3.

Is it safe to wear eye makeup immediately?

You can wear eye makeup after microblading after waiting for the allotted recovery period. It’s important to stay cautious and avoid any contact with your eyebrows or the immediate area around them. Also, make sure your eye makeup brushes and tools are clean.

Can I wear makeup to the microblading appointment?

It’s best to avoid wearing any makeup on your face, especially your eyebrows, to your microblading appointment. Your technician will need to see and work with your natural brows to provide the best results.

What if I accidentally wore makeup too soon?

If you accidentally wear makeup too soon after your microblading procedure, gently remove the makeup using a mild cleanser without rubbing or scrubbing the area. Keep an eye out for any signs of irritation or infection and contact your technician if you’re concerned or if any issues arise 5.


Navigating the post-microblading period can be a blend of excitement and caution. As we’ve discovered, the question of “how long after microblading can I wear makeup?” is more than just about beauty—it’s about ensuring optimal results and skin health.

By following the right steps and being patient, you not only protect your investment in those immaculate brows but also pave the way for radiant skin.

Remember, beauty enhancements are as much about aftercare as the procedure itself. Here’s to stunning brows and makeup days that await just around the corner!

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).