How to Remove Dyson Hair Dryer Attachments

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The No products found. is one of the most popular, highest-quality, and highest-price hair dryers on the market today. It promises an extensive blast of air with the touch of a button and it is designed to not damage your hair. Shoppers are often shocked at the price point, but many of us feel that it’s worth the price!

The Dyson Supersonic hairdryer comes with multiple attachments that alter the airflow and allow you to customize the dryer. However, they’re a little funky to use.

In this article, we’re going to go over how to remove Dyson Hair Dryer attachments.

Some of the attachments are secured magnetically, and some are rotated and locked into place. Some of the attachments get hot, so you need to be careful.

We’ll go over how to remove each attachment safely and easily in this article.


The Dyson Supersonic Hair Dryer Attachments

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Dyson has designed attachments that can be used for drying and styling to make the product even better. It has five attachments with various features that can make your life easier. Styling concentrator, Diffuser, Gentle air attachment, Wide-tooth comb, and Flyaway attachment are the five magnetic attachments that easily fit in a Dyson hair dryer. 

Dyson has designed attachments that can be used for drying and styling to make the product even better.

These attachments are built using heat shield technology to cool the attachment surface. You can also rotate these attachments during hair styling. However, removing these attachments from the tool is not always simple. 

How to Remove Dyson Hair Dryer Attachments

Hair Dryers with detachable attachments are convenient to use in terms of storage and transportation, but they can also cause damage if not removed properly. This section will teach you how to remove the Dyson Hair Dryer attachments correctly. 

1. Removing The Styling Concentrator

Dyson hair dryers are made with a concentrator designed to direct airflow in a particular direction. The concentrator is usually located close to the heating element, which helps release the high-velocity air. Mostly the hair dryer attachments are supposed to be flipped out. 

Removing the concentrator from the hair dryer is very easy. Simply pull the nozzle downward to release it smoothly.

The styling concentrator provides the most delicate finish and smoothes hair up to 70%. The best part is that the diameter of the nozzle is built according to the hair dryer’s vent. Hence, it won’t break while you pull or push to detach it.

2. Removing the Wide-Tooth Comb

Wide-tooth combs are used to remove tangles and knots from hair. They differ from the traditional narrow-tooth combs because they have wider gaps between the teeth. 

Wide-tooth combs are commonly used in hair dryers to distribute air evenly on wet curly hair, which helps to dry it faster. It is a 2-in-1 product as it doesn’t require a hair dryer and brush to be used at once. 

Detaching Dyson’s wide-tooth comb attachment is quite simple. Rotate the wide tooth comb back so that it is positioned in line with the opening and pull it back out when you’re done using it.

3. Removing the Flyaway Attachment

The flyaway attachment is attached to the end of the hair dryer and gently removes any loose hair. Depending on your preference, it is used on wet or dry hair. The attachments are available for most Dyson hair dryers, including those with cold air settings.

The purpose of the flyaway attachment is to reduce static in your hair and to add volume. 

While using the flyaway attachment, a specific temperature is set according to the quality of the hair. For instance, low temperature is preferred for fine hair and high temperature for thick hair. 

You have to be careful while handling the flyaway attachment. It gets hot after being used and can burn your hand. Don’t rush to remove it quickly, let it cool a bit. Always hold this attachment by its edges, as they are easy to pull and don’t get as hot.

You have to be careful while handling the flyaway attachment. It gets hot after being used and can burn your hand. Don’t rush to remove it quickly, let it cool a bit. Always hold this attachment by its edges, as they are easy to pull and don’t get as hot.

4. Removing the Gentle Air Attachment

This attachment is designed to provide smooth and even airflow to your sensitive scalp. Ultimately, the gentle air will not be as intense as other types of airflow, which can cause breakage and split ends. 

The gentle air attachment is particularly designed for light and fine hair. Furthermore, it is fixed so that no extra force can detach it during hair drying.

To remove the gentle air attachment, you have to twist it slightly and pull it back from the hair dryer.

5. Removing the Diffuser Attachment

A diffuser is a device that disperses or “diffuses” air in a specific direction. It is used to break up the flow of air into many smaller streams in order to form a more even distribution of heated air.

The Dyson Hair Dryer has an innovative diffuser that helps to dry hair faster. 

It reduces frizz and gives you smoother, more manageable hair. Also, it helps to reduce heat damage because it uses less heat than other diffusers on the market. 

A diffuser is usually cylindrical, with small holes at the base of its surface. It creates an upward airflow that is dispersed over a larger area. Usually, diffusers are made of mesh or perforated silicon and are typically round in shape with an opening at the top. 

To attach the diffuser, twist the diffuser on the nozzle and lock it before the hair-drying process begins. When your done and ready to detach the diffuser, twist it in the opposite direction and gently pull it to detach. You shouldn’t need to push it down too much in the hair dryer, as it can slip off with a gentle tug.


A Dyson hair dryer is a great investment for someone who wants to be able to frequently style their hair at home (don’t forget to check out our look at the Dyson Hair Dryer vs Airwrap).

The sleek design of the Dyson Supersonic hair dryer looks great in bathrooms or being carried around during travel. 

Removing each attachment from the Dyson Supersonic Hair Dryer is pretty easy, though you need to be careful about heat, and some need to be twisted off.

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Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).