Is Fungus Clear Legitimate? Does it Work?

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Are you dealing with a white, yucky toenail fungus and don’t know which way to turn? You’ve tried creams, lasers, and home remedies, to no effect and you’re ready to pull your hair out to get this foot disaster healed before summer hits because you’ve got your sandals ready to wear!

You may have seen the ads about Fungus Clear and how it’s very effective at getting rid of infections. But is Fungus Clear legitimate?

Does this stuff actually get rid of toenail fungus?

The only things that are sure to work are prescription medications, and this isn’t one. But some have reported success with Fungus Clear. It may be worth trying if your fungus isn’t too bad, but no promises!

We’ll discuss all this below.


Is Fungus Clear Legitimate?

Fungus Clear is completely different, compared to the usual kinds of topical creams that are usually used to try to get rid of toenail fungus. Manufactured in the US by a personal care company called Vitality Health, it is a nutritional supplement that claims to heal toenail fungus at the source of the infection.

The nutritional supplement includes specific ingredients that are meant to fight fungus from within, apparently with great results.

These ingredients are seven specific probiotics that are combined to naturally balance your body’s candida levels to fight off fungal infections.

According to Fungus Clear’s website, the seven probiotics, when combined, work by attacking the root of the fungus to destroy it and prevent any infections from recurring. The probiotics also work to balance your gut bacteria and improve digestion, which is an added bonus, especially if you suffer from intestinal issues like IBS.

According to Fungus Clear’s website, the seven probiotics, when combined, work by attacking the root of the fungus to destroy it and prevent any infections from recurring.

In addition, Fungus Clear claims to eliminate itchy, red, and flaky skin, and the crumbly, brittle and discolored toenails that occur at the site of the infection. This allows the nail to grow back with its natural healthy pink hue.

Those opting to use Fungus Clear are generally people looking to clear their toenail fungus with a natural solution, as opposed to chemically-laden topical creams or oral prescription pharmaceuticals.

Plus, being a nutritional supplement, it can help with digestive issues, thrush, urinary tract and sinus infections. But it’s not approved or reviewed by any governing body.

Fungus Clear Ingredients

The seven probiotics that are contained in Fungus Clear all have fungal fighting properties when used on their own. So, when combined it’s only logical that they may have a more profound effect on your toenail fungus. Let’s take a closer look at each of these probiotics one by one:

  • Bacillus Subtilis – Studies from the Journal of Immunology have shown that this probiotic can be used to fight candida and trigger your body’s immune system to make more healing antibodies.
  • Lactobacillus Plantarum – Accelerates the healing of the skin while fighting fungus and boosting the body’s immune system.
  • Lactobacillus Rhamnosus – More than 400 studies have shown that this probiotic may help to reduce fungus accumulating.
  • Bifidobacterium Longum – Has a strong effect of producing natural antibodies against internal fungus.
  • Lactobacillus Casei – This is routinely used to treat viral, yeast and fungal infections.
  • Bifidobacterium Breve – Has been used to boost the immune system and treat candida.
  • Lactobacillus Acidophilus – Used in most probiotic formulas, this Nobel Prize winning probiotic has been shown to reduce candida overgrowth.

Healing Your Fungus Naturally Comes At a Cost

Fungus Clear doesn’t come cheap. In fact, it usually costs around $89 per one-month supply, although there are offers available on the official site. The nutritional supplement is listed on Amazon, but it may well be a knock-off, so beware!

The nutritional supplement is listed on Amazon, but it may well be a knock-off, so beware!

And since it will usually take more than a month, in general, to clear a fungal infection, you may need at least a three-month supply to clear up your toenail fungus completely.

With this type of treatment, however, it will probably take about six months. This is a significant expense for a supplement that is not approved for use in clearing toenail fungus.

How Will You Know Fungus Clear is Working?

If you decide to take the plunge and use Fungus Clear, then you will know that it’s working when you observe how the nail is reacting as the regrowth appears. The skin surrounding the nail will look healthy and the new nail growth won’t be discolored or yellow.

You will know it’s working when you observe how the nail is reacting as the regrowth appears.

The new growth will turn back to its natural pink hue, which will show that your immune system is working to uproot and eliminate the fungus that caused the problem in the first place.

Is Fungus Clear Legitimate?

So, after researching all the information, can we conclude if Fungus Clear is legitimate or not?

Like any kind of nutritional supplement you choose to consume, although it may work for some people, it might not work for others. Everyone is different.

It’s not FDA-approved and doesn’t have to be. Some people find it works, others find it doesn’t. Adding knock-offs to the mix makes it even more confusing.

That said, it’s not terribly expensive, at least to start. And if you don’t want to deal with the hassle of doctors and prescription medications, you can try it and see if your nails begin to recover.

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).