What is Dip Flu? That Sounds Terrible! Here’s How To Avoid It!

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Have you ever heard about dip flu? How strange, sick symptoms from your nails!

All nail products are made with multiple chemicals and often UV light, mostly not good for you! Dip powder nails are great because they are durable and you can do beautiful designs with them. 

However, one drawback to this product is dip flu. What is dip flu, and how do you avoid it?

Below, we will discuss this thoroughly. There’s no need to feel sick just because you want your nails to look great!


What Is Dip Flu, Anyway?

When you experience flu-like symptoms when you’ve got your nails done, you might be experiencing dip flu. When you have dip flu, you don’t actually have the flu. But you can feel like you have a sickness because the standard symptoms show up. 

When you have dip flu, you don’t actually have the flu. But you can feel like you have a sickness because the standard symptoms show up. 

Dip flu is an allergic reaction to nail dip powder products.

The person who experiences such could be allergic to either the dipping liquid, the dipping powder, or both. 

The majority of those who suffer dip flow are allergic to the liquid parts of the nail enhancement system. 

Dip flu may not happen all the time. Some people might not get it even if they have already been using the product for years and then suddenly get a reaction. 

Some people get it every time they go for a dip powder nail treatment! And of course, there are many who have never had symptoms, even if they have been using powder nails for a long time. 

The Symptoms Of Dip Nail Sickness

In order to know whether you are experiencing dip flu, you also need to know the symptoms it commonly presents with. The symptoms are similar to flu, common colds, and COVID. So if you are experiencing any of these, you may want to get checked out by a doctor. 

What you are feeling may be due to dip flu or it can also be due to the real flu and you want to make sure your body is healthy. 

Here are a few things that could mean that you have a dip flu. 

  • Nausea and headache
  • Nasal congestion or runny nose
  • Itchy throat 
  • Cough
  • Infected skin, usually those surrounding the nail bed
  • Irritated skin
  • Respiratory irritation
  • Chest tightness

As you can see, the symptoms above can also be similar to the symptoms of allergies. That is why people feel that their nail products are causing flu-like symptoms. 

Usually, the flu-like symptoms appear on the day they got their dip powder nails. However, there are some who experience flu-like sickness days after the procedure. 

Usually, the flu-like symptoms appear on the day they got their dip powder nails. However, there are some who experience flu-like sickness days after the procedure. 

What Causes Dip Flu? 

Having dip powder nails  is a great way to make sure that your nails look great.

For most people, the dip powder nail ingredients themselves don’t cause allergic reactions. This is why most people do not have dip flu symptoms when they get their nails done.

In some users, however, dip flu can happen. Here are some of the causes of dip flu for some of the users.

  • Allergy to the liquid
  • Allergy to the dip powder
  • Pre-existing skin condition
  • Pre-existing respiratory condition
  • Poor hygiene

Sometimes, people who already have respiratory conditions could be triggered when they use dip powder nails. However, this is not true for all because there are some who don’t experience dip flu, even if they already have pre-existing conditions. 

It’s still a bit of a mystery condition.

The amount of time to recovery from dip flu varies depending on how severe the allergic reaction is. Some can suffer the symptoms for a few days. It is always best to consult your doctor whenever you have flu-like symptoms.

The amount of time to recovery from dip flu varies depending on how severe the allergic reaction is.

How To Avoid Dip Flu

Flu-like symptoms are uncomfortable and can leave you feeling weak and sick. If there are things you can do to avoid them, then you should. Here are a few of those: 

1. Check The Ingredients

There are plenty of dip powder nail kits available today. No matter what you choose to use, always check the ingredients list. That way, you’d be able to identify if there are some that contain ingredients you are allergic to. 

Some of the ingredients that you may want to avoid include formaldehyde, vinyl polyesters, or alkyl resins. These are included in the ingredients list to help with the adhesion but they are also most likely the cause of the dip flu. 

See Dip Powder Activator Substitutes if you find that the activator is the problem for you.

2. Do Your Nails At A Well Ventilated Room

When doing your nails at home or having them done at a salon, make sure that the room is well-ventilated. When the fumes from the nail kit can easily leave the room, you are less likely to have dip flu. 

Opening a window will be enough to let the fumes out. Just make sure the wind isn’t too strong or else it could also blow the powder all over the area!

3. Keep Your Distance From The Products

When you have your nails done at the salon, your face isn’t near the kit so you are less exposed to it. If you decide to do your own powder dip nails, you should try to distance your face as much as possible so you don’t end up accidentally inhaling the products. 

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).