Why Do Guys Have Longer Lashes Than Girls Do?

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As human beings, one of the most important things that we look for in another person is their eyes. This is because our eyes are the window to our souls, and can tell a lot about our personalities.

  • Long eyelashes are considered one of a person’s most attractive features
  • They emphasize the sclera and limbal rings of the eye
  • The eyes are strong indicators of health and age

But why do guys have longer lashes than girls? Guys have longer lashes (and more body hair in general) due to higher testosterone levels! Testosterone is involved in hair growth.

We take a closer look at that below.


Why Do Guys Tend to Have Longer Eyelashes Than Girls?

One factor that affects the length of eyelashes is gender. Men tend to have longer lashes than women because they have a higher level of testosterone in their system. One study found that the length of the male lash is related to the testosterone level in the body.

The more testosterone, the longer their lashes.

Testosterone is a hormone that helps build muscle and bone mass. It is also responsible for the growth of hair follicles, and lashes specifically.

Testosterone is a hormone that helps build muscle and bone mass. It is also responsible for the growth of hair follicles and lashes specifically.

Moreover, testosterone helps develop lacrimal glands. The lacrimal glands are responsible for secreting tears and keeping eyes moist.

Therefore, males have longer lashes and thicker hair on their heads, as well as on their chests, bellies, backs, and legs — basically everywhere (except on top of the head, often).


Eyelashes are a vital part of the human body. They protect the eyes from dirt and other particles that could get in and cause an infection. The eyelashes also help to keep our eyes moist so they don’t dry out.

Eyelashes are made of keratin, just like the hair on the scalp.

Hair is made up of a protein called keratin, produced by cells called hair follicles. Eyelashes grow at the base of the eyelid and start as short, stubby hairs before they mature into long lashes that can grow up to 100 millimeters in length! Interestingly, eyelashes and brows really shouldn’t be considered facial hair.

Eyelash length comes from genetics, hormones, and health conditions such as thyroid problems or lupus.

Reasons Long Lashes Are Attractive

The shape of the eye, the size of the eye, and even the color of the eye can all provide insight into who we are as individuals. There are various reasons why people consider long eyelashes to be more attractive.

The first reason is that people with long eyelashes have bigger eyes. This is considered more attractive. Secondly, people with long lashes have a more youthful appearance. It is seen as beautiful and desirable in many cultures.

The first reason is that people with long eyelashes have bigger eyes, which are considered more attractive.

Is It Possible to Lengthen Your Eyelashes?

Yes! There are numerous ways to lengthen your eyelashes. You can use a product with ingredients that stimulate your lashes’ growth, like castor oil. You can also try using a product with prostaglandin. It stimulates the growth of hair follicles.

Although there are many techniques to lengthen your eyelashes, not all are safe. Eyelash lengthening is a cosmetic procedure that is conducted to make the eyelashes appear longer and thicker.

This procedure can be done in a doctor’s office, or it can be done at home with the help of a kit.

Eyelash lengthening is a cosmetic procedure that is conducted to make the eyelashes appear longer and thicker.

Some methods include using magnetic or glue-on eyelashes, which can lead to eye infections and other risks. Latisse is an FDA-approved medication that you can use to grow your natural lashes longer and thicker over time with regular use.

It is more expensive than other methods, but it is safe for most people who use it as directed.

You can also try over-the-counter eyelash growth serums like Revitalash. However, you should know that growth serums can permanently change your eye color!

Are Long Eyelashes Rare?

Long eyelashes are not rare at all. They are quite common. There is no such thing as “normal” regarding eyelash length or thickness. Some people have long eyelashes, while some don’t even have any eyelashes at all.

The average length of an eyelash is about 3 millimeters, but some people may have lashes up to 10 millimeters long.

The Guinness World Records confirmed American Stuart Muller had the longest eyelashes in the world. His lashes measured 6.99cm long, and he was male.

However, his record was broken by Jianxia, a woman living in Shanghai, China, who holds the record for the longest eyelashes. Her eyelashes measure 12.4 cm.


Men typically have longer lashes than women do because men have higher testosterone levels. The same mechanisms that lead to all that body hair on the guys also lead to longer lashes.

If you want longer lashes, you have many options, including lash extensions, falsies, and lash serums.

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).