When Can I Wash My Eyebrows After Microblading?

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Many women love to keep their eyebrows nice and sharp, so their face is always put together. One of the more popular options is microblading. Microblading can look amazing! But the recovery process is fairly long and sometimes a bit weird.

Maybe the most frequently asked question after microblading is: when can I wash my eyebrows after microblading?

  • Water is a real problem during the first several days after microblading, and you should avoid any washing for a couple of days at least.
  • Most experts suggest waiting up to 10 days after microblading before you can fully wash your eyebrows.
  • You can wear eyebrow goggles in the meantime in order to protect your brows.

In this article, we’ll look at microblading recovery, and specifically when and how you can wash your brows after microblading.


Microblading 101

Before you consider the idea of how long it takes for your eyebrows to heal, you have to really understand what the microblading process is.

This cosmetic tattooing is a semi-permanent option. Instead of using a tattoo gun, it uses a blade shape tool that creates thin strokes throughout your eyebrows. While doing this, it leaves microblading pigment behind to keep them colored and give you a realistic-looking brow.

Microblading pen

Before you consider the idea of how long it takes for your eyebrows to heal, you have to really understand what microblading is. 

When Can I Wash My Eyebrows After Microblading?

Because microblading, like it’s oily-skin partner ombre brows, is a form of tattooing around your eyebrows, you must, much like a normal tattoo, allow the brows to heal.

This means that exposing your freshly-pigmented brows to moisture might cause some serious problems, and you cannot immediately wash your eyebrows.

Once the microblading has healed, you can return to your normal routine.

Microblading uses chemical treatments, and they need good aftercare. Typically, the amount of time you need to wait to wash your eyebrows after microblading lies between two and ten days. This is because it depends on how fast your body heals.

Ideally, most technicians suggest waiting between 7 and 10 days to permit complete healing.

Of course, always follow the guidance of your individual microblading artist.

Always follow the guidance of your individual microblading artist.

You can have a little contact with water before the seven days. But to ensure that the microblading stays efficient, you’re going to want to allow for that complete healing cycle.

Keeping Those Brows Dry: How to Do It

Microblading goggles

You may think 7 to 10 days is quite a long time to be unable to hop in the shower and clean yourself. But you can keep your eyebrows dry while showering, so you shouldn’t have to worry about that.

A good shower cap drooping over your eyebrows or even a quick wash of the body could prevent the eyebrows from getting wet.

However, a much better choice is to pick up some microblading shower goggles . These disposable goggles will protect your brows in the shower, and are key to letting you clean the rest of your body while you wait for your brows to heal!

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If you don’t keep the eyebrows dry, you may find that the healing process will be slower, and there will be more scabs.

Also, it can lead to a burning sensation and fading of the ink pigment that is used in the microblading process. But that’s not all.

It can actually discolor your eyebrows, leaving them changed for quite a while!

How Do I Heal Quicker from Microblading?

The question of how long you have to wait before you can wash your eyebrows after microblading is less important if you can make the area heal quicker.

There are a couple of things that can potentially help do that, and we’re going to take a look at each of those.

1. Ointment

Much like a tattoo, applying ointment is a key part of increasing the healing process. Though keeping it dry is important, there has to be some cleansing involved. In order to do this, you’re going to want to look at applying a very thin coating of an aftercare ointment, most likely twice a day.

The best time would be first thing in the morning and then right before you go to bed at night.

Your artist may suggest some specific ointment, but here is a decent one.

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2. Gentle Cleanser

Getting your freshly microbladed eyebrows wet is not a good idea. But like we said before, there has to be some cleansing involved. Ideally, when you do this, you’re going to want to use an antibacterial soap much like you would on your skin that is perfect for cosmetic tattoos.

You want to stay clear of anything with things like glycolic acid and Retin A.

Then, when you’re done, you will want to pat it dry instead of rubbing it gently.

And again, talk to your artist about this process, and the products you intend to use.

3. Avoid Certain Activities

What’s the microblading done? You will want to avoid any activities that would impact your brows if you touch them. These activities may include things like very active house cleaning or even suntanning. Another option would be avoiding vehicles that expose you to the air because you could get debris within your freshly microbladed eyebrows.

One of the biggest things you should do is avoid sweating as much as possible.

4. Skip The Makeup

Lastly, because this skin is very sensitive and in the process of healing, you will want to stay away from putting any harsh chemicals or other things on your skin around your brows. This means staying away from your skin care treatment and putting makeup on.

This could include things like laser treatments and other things that affect the skin in the area. 

Skin is very sensitive and in the process of healing, you mustn’t put any harsh chemicals or other things on your skin around your brows.

Suppose you have to use makeup for any reason; you want to ensure that you steer clear of the eyebrow region for as long as it takes to heal.

This is not only because of the chemicals within the makeup but also because you have to remove the makeup, which means you have to wash your face, potentially exposing your brows to water.


So when can you can wash your brows after microblading? You’ll need to wait 7-10 days. Avoid any water for 24-48 hours, and after that, you can shower with shower goggles for a week. Of course, always follow the avoid of your artist.

Good luck, and soon, your brows will be looking magnificent!

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).