Brazilian Waxing Etiquette: A Guide to Feeling Comfortable at the Salon

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Grooming down there will always be a personal decision, and there is no wrong choice when the question of whether to get a bikini wax or not arises. If you choose to clear out everything, you might consider a Brazilian as the fastest way to smooth things down there. 

But for so many of us, it’s super awkward to go to a salon for waxing in the pubic area. You are more exposed to your wax tech than you are to anyone else except your partner! Even your doctor doesn’t get that close for that long!

What is the Brazilian Waxing Etiquette, anyway? How do you know what to do and how to handle the awkwardness?

Below, we are going to take a look at Brazilian waxing etiquette so you can be comfortable when you go.


Brazilian Waxing 101

A Brazilian wax is when hair is removed at the back and front of your intimate area, including the pubic bone, labia, and most everywhere else (note that the Hollywood Wax is truly everywhere else, including the bum region). Now that you know what a Brazilian wax entails, let us look at its etiquette and importance. 

A Brazilian wax is when hair is removed at the back and front of your intimate area, including the pubic bone and labia.

For some individuals, it can seem as if we are referring to common sense when we mention some of these etiquette rules, but they are essential. And keeping them in mind leads to a good experience overall.  

Brazilian Waxing Etiquette and Tips

No matter how well-versed you are with the experience, we know it can be nerve-racking to go to that appointment!

We have made this guide to help you prepare for a wax. We have included a few things technicians may tell you before lying on the table.

Regardless of your experience, everyone could use a refresher on what to expect. 

Questions like how much to tip, how to handle yourself, and how long to expect to be exposed during the process can be unexplored territory.

The following are some of the Brazilian waxing etiquette to keep in mind the next time or when you first go for your waxing session:

1. Find the Right Salon

When you have decided to get a wax, you should select a place with professionals who know what they are doing. It will go a long way to ensuring that there won’t be any complications, and the results will be excellent. 

We strongly emphasize going to licensed salons. Remember, occasionally you can bleed from a waxing, so you want someplace competent and clean. Check reviews online or ask friends before you go.

A good salon will work with all hair and skin types and will offer you outstanding results while being less painful since they know what they are doing.

The place you are picking should also be clean and well-maintained. The establishment should be up to code with state board standards of sanitation. 

One of the most common red flags you should aim to look out for is double dipping. Double-dipping is when a place double-dips its waxing stick. It is dangerous and unsanitary as it can lead to the spread of infections and bacteria among clients. 

One of the most common red flags you should aim to look out for is double dipping. Double-dipping is when a place double-dips its waxing stick. It is dangerous and unsanitary as it can lead to the spread of infections and bacteria among clients. 

As a client, you should always look for other wrong or unsanitary acts that could harm your well-being. For this reason alone, we always encourage going to well-known establishments that offer top-tier services.

They might be more expensive, but they are worth it.

2. It’s Always Worse in Your Mind

How painful do you think the Brazilian waxing will be? If you are new to this, chances are that you are exaggerating how painful it will be.

The anticipation before you get in the room is usually the worst part.

However, if you have a professional conducting the process, we guarantee it will be less painful and over before you know it. And Brazilian waxing gets easier over time.

3. No One Will Judge You 

Some clients can feel embarrassed or ashamed of how their lady bits look. You don’t need to worry.

The technicians and professionals have probably seen hundreds of other vulvas in different sizes and colors.

Their job is to make sure you feel and look good.

4. Do Not Shave 

Your hair should be at least a quarter inch long for proper waxing. Anything below this might be complicated as the wax might not have enough hair to hold on to when removing it.

5. Your Timing Is Everything 

Do not schedule your waxing just before your periods. You should also avoid waxing during your monthly flow or immediately after it ends.

This is because your body is sensitive within those windows, and waxing may aggravate your experience or add to the pain. 

6. Not Be Embarrassed About Overgrowth 

Some clients might feel embarrassed because they believe their hair is overgrown. Technicians, however, will prefer hair that is longer compared to a week or two-old shave.

Longer hair is also less painful and much easier to wax (bit it can get too long!).

7. Say No To Alcohol 

A little light wine might be okay.

However, showing up drunk is a different story.

When you show up for your waxing with alcohol in your system, your blood will be thinner and more sensitive to pain. In addition, it comes off as rude and inconsiderate to the technicians and professionals at work.   

If you’re concerned about pain, use a numbing ream instead, but check with your technician first.

8. Shower Before You Show Up 

Do not go for waxing if you just came from the gym or a dance class. Showing up clean and fresh is a form of kindness to the technician. When your body is sweaty or rubbed with body lotion, it can be difficult for the wax to stick, thus making the entire process harder.

Follow the traditional Brazilian wax prep to ensure you show up ready to go.

Like you go to the dentist after brushing your teeth, cleanse your body before going for the wax.

The pubic area should be dry so that the wax sticks better and produces the best possible results. If you plan on partaking in any physical activity that will get you sweaty before the session, then you can be sure your pubic region will also be sweaty.

Like you go to the dentist after brushing your teeth, cleanse your body before going for the wax.

9. Wear Comfortable Clothing 

We recommend wearing loose and comfortable clothing like maxi dresses, breathable cotton fabric, and harem pants.

Tight-fitting clothes like yoga pants may rub on the skin and worsen everything. You may get some itch after your waxing, and this can be worse if you wear tight clothes.

10. Use The Restroom Before Getting On The Table 

A nervous bladder is common if you have pre-wax jitters.

Use the restroom first before redressing. It is common for most people when they take off their clothes. They end up feeling colder, thus intensifying the need to pee.

During the treatment, there will also be pulling, which can be incredibly uncomfortable if you are pressed.

11. Talk It Out 

If there is a particular way you want the treatment done, explain it to your technician.

If there is a particular way you want the treatment done, explain it to your technician.

Most technicians prefer clients who communicate their needs to serve them in the best way possible. So speak up whenever you feel like there is something you need to understand or clarify.

12. Is There Appropriate Etiquette When Talking To Your Waxer? 

Talking to a stranger when naked can get a bit awkward. However, you are just two people looking to get a job done. Regardless, we recommend asking questions about the process if you are curious.

Some of the questions you can ask include the following: 

  • What are the recommended aftercare steps? 
  • Are there any recommendations before your next visit? 
  • You could also inquire about products you use on your skin and see if it is okay to continue using them. This will help prevent unintended reactions later on.  

13. No Workouts Should Follow  

For wax-post care, clients are usually advised not to go to the gym afterward. Strenuous activity and tight yoga pants can result in irritation.

In addition, bringing any heat to this area is not advisable.

14. Can You Take A Shower After The Appointment?  

Yes, although we recommend going for water with a cool or lukewarm shower. Using hot water can lead to skin dehydration. You should also keep in mind that your skin has just been exfoliated so stay away from products like soaps that are harsh or contain a lot of oil. 

Too much oil can form a film on your skin, clogging your follicles.

It’s also best to avoid getting into a pool, sauna, or spa for around 48 hours after waxing to avoid irritation.

15. What About Tipping for a Brazilian Wax? 

Newbie clients might not be sure how much to tip their waxer.

Tipping is entirely up to you, it’s your call. Most clients tip between 10 – 20% of the total cost.

16. When Should My Next Appointment Be? 

After a session, your wax should last up to four weeks.

However, do not follow this religiously as people’s hair growth rates differ. Depending on your preference and budget, it is entirely up to you to decide when your next appointment should be.

Some people can go for waxing every four weeks, while others might have to stay up to six weeks.

17. Do Not Shave Between Treatments 

After each wax, your hair tends to grow thinner and softer; and when you decide to shave the newly growing hair, you are messing up the effort.

Also, when you shave your hair and it grows again, it will have a blunt end as opposed to after a treatment when the ends are more delicate.


So there you have it, the basics of Brazilian waxing etiquette. All that’s left to do now is put on that sundress or pair of shorts and walk into that spa you’ve always wanted to visit for a waxing session. Remember, technicians prefer hair that is longer compared to a week or two-old shave.

Long hair is less painful and much easier to wax.

Good luck, it’s not as bad as you fear!

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).