Dermaplaning Hair Regrowth: What’s the Process?

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We all know that dermaplaning is a great procedure to help you achieve smoother and brighter skin. The very sharp, medical-grade scalpel removes the peach fuzz and exfoliates the skin. Beautiful!

However, that isn’t a permanent result. The hair will eventually grow back. 

So what’s the deal with dermaplaning hair regrowth? How long does it take for hair to grow back after dermaplaning? Will it be thicker and darker?

In this article, we explain what to expect as your hair grows back after dermaplaning. We will also discuss why we have the peach fuzz in the first place, and what possible skin concerns it causes.


Dermaplaning Hair Regrowth

Dermaplane Light-Up

When you undergo dermaplaning, the entire layer of facial hair known as “vellus hair” is removed temporarily, as well as the layer of skin it is attached to.

This treatment doesn’t yield permanent results. The skin’s top layer naturally sheds off even if you can’t see it.

The peach fuzz on the face is just like other hairs on the body. If you cut it, it will eventually grow back. 

How Long Does It Take For Hair To Grow Back After Dermaplaning?

Usually, it takes a few weeks for the peach fuzz to grow back after dermaplaning. It can take about 3-4 weeks before the hair has regrown.

The time varies from person to person due to several factors like your hormones, the amount of hair you naturally have, and the thickness of the hair. 

Will The Hair Grow Back Thicker And Darker?

Dermaplane Razor

Many people believe that if you shave off the hair, it will grow out to be thicker and darker. Many believe that the shaven hair will be more prominent.

However, that is a myth.

Shaving off the hair doesn’t change the hair that grows back.

The real reason why hair might change is because of hormonal imbalance. 

Dermaplaning is just like shaving off the tiny hairs on the face. When it grows back, it will be the same consistency it was before.

Peach fuzz is naturally light in color and is typically not very noticeable. Upon close inspection and under bright light, you may be able to notice the fuzz when you apply your makeup.

However, it’s not going to get as dark or as thick as a man’s beard or anything, just because you shave it off!

It will grow back as thin and as light as it was before. 

Why Do We Have Peach Fuzz?

Some people feel that peach fuzz is a nuisance to their makeup game. Yes, although peach fuzz can make your makeup look cakey, it is there for a reason.

The main purpose of peach fuzz is to provide protection for our skin. 

Peach fuzz can help provide some protection from the sun as it acts as a natural barrier. Instead of directly hitting the face, the peach fuzz provides some minor level of protection. However, this is not enough to prevent you from having a sunburn especially due to prolonged exposure.

That is why it’s important to use sunscreen, especially after dermaplaning. 

Additionally, peach fuzz helps in the regulation of body temperature. When it is too hot, our body produces sweat to cool us down. The peach fuzz helps the sweat evaporate from the surface of the skin. 

What Problems Could Come From Having Peach Fuzz?

Even if peach fuzz is a natural part of the body, it could be bothersome for some people. There are a few skin concerns that could be caused by having peach fuzz.

They are as follows: 

Dull Skin

If you think you’ve already used all sorts of creams, serums, and solutions to make your dull skin look brighter but still end up with dull skin, peach fuzz may be your problem.

The presence of dead skin cells could make the skin look dull, but peach fuzz also does that. It can make the skin look older and darker. Additionally, the wrinkles and fine lines could also be more obvious due to the peach fuzz.


Another skin concern that could be due to peach fuzz is acne. Acne can happen when the oil gland becomes clogged and the bacteria infects gets trapped. You end up with an infection, and a breakout!

The peach fuzz plays a role in providing better access for the bacteria to the pores. By removing the peach fuzz, you’d also be preventing the bacteria from easily reaching the pores. 

Dermaplaning is an excellent way to tackle acne scars.

Although dermaplaning can help prevent bacteria from getting into the pores and causing acne, it shouldn’t be used when you have an active breakout. Dermaplaning will prevent the bacteria from reaching the pore but it can’t do anything about the bacteria that are already causing the infection.

Dermaplaning with an active outbreak will just worsen your skin condition. 

Although dermaplaning can help prevent bacteria from getting into the pores and causing acne, it shouldn’t be used when you have an active breakout.

Skin Barrier

As we’ve said, peach fuzz acts as a barrier for the skin, which is a good thing because it protects the skin. However, it also acts as a barrier to the good skincare products that you put on your skin. 

No matter what kind of skincare product you use, the peach fuzz can prevent them from fully getting absorbed. Some of the product will be trapped in the peach fuzz.

Without the vellus hair, your skin will have better access to skincare products and better absorb them. 

That is also the reason why you should take advantage of your freshly dermaplaned face by using skincare products on it. It will be easily absorbed by your skin. 

Makeup Problems

As we’ve mentioned, dermaplaning could help you achieve a better appearance with makeup. This is because the peach fuzz can trap powders and could also prevent the smooth application of liquid foundation.

Without peach fuzz, it is much easier to apply makeup and to achieve a flawless finish. 

Final Thoughts

When you go through the dermaplaning process, you temporarily shave off the hair from your face and exfoliate the skin. The vellus hair will eventually grow back, usually in about 3-4 weeks.

Contrary to what many people believe, dermaplaning or shaving the hair doesn’t make your hair grow thicker or darker. 

Peach fuzz is a normal part of the body. It helps protect the skin from the sun and regulate body temperature.

However, there are also several skin concerns related to it. That is why many people choose to shave it off with a dermaplaning tool.

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).