Dermaplaning Gone Wrong? How to Avoid Mishaps

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Most of us want to achieve smooth and glowing skin. One way to achieve that is to try dermaplaning on your face. The procedure uses a sharp blade to remove the upper layers of the skin, including all the tiny hairs that most people describe as peach fuzz or vellus hair. The result is smooth, glowing, shiny skin. 

Although it brings out desirable results, there is a risk of experiencing dermaplaning gone wrong. So what exactly happens when dermaplaning has gone wrong? And how can you avoid mishaps when dermaplaning?

We’ll answer all those questions below.


Dermaplaning Gone Wrong: Dermaplaning Horror Stories!

Dermaplaning on the Face

So you finally gave in to the dermaplaning trend when it comes to skincare! Awesome!

In the hopes of at-home exfoliation, leading to smoother skin without fuzzy hair, you take the plunge. Your skin looks great and glowing after the procedure. However, after a few days, you discover lots of tiny bumps on your skin.


You’re having an acne breakout. And it doesn’t look good. 

1. Acne Breakouts

One of the worst things that can happen when dermaplaning goes wrong is developing a breakout. This is because the skin got irritated due to the procedure.

If you’re experiencing an active acne breakout, you should not dermaplane the area until the acne has subsided! The dermaplaning treatment will just worsen your acne breakout. You will just be spreading the bacteria and infection all over the face!

This is by far the most common source of dermaplaning horror stories you can find around.

2. Facial Scarring

Another worst-case scenario that can happen is when your skin gets scarred or cut by the dermaplaning tool. Scarring is a rare effect but it is possible. This is especially true if you dermaplane at home with the wrong kind of blades and without prior knowledge as to how it should be done. 

Rember that you should always use short downward strokes with your dermaplaning tool, and use your off hand to keep the skin taut. This will prevent those cuts and scars from the dermaplane blad.

3. Sun Damage

Dermaplaning can also appear to go wrong if you do not take care of your skin properly after the procedure.

Due to removing the topmost layer of the dead skin cells, your skin is now more prone to sun damage. You should make sure you protect it with a high SPF sunscreen and avoid unnecessary sun exposure. 

Don’t go to the tanning salon or the beach immediately after dermaplaning.

How To Avoid Dermaplaning Regret

Dermaplaning Tools

Dermaplaning is a low-risk procedure, even if it seems like it should be dangerous. After all, you’re using something like a scalpel on your face. But it’s no more dangerous than shaving with a razor if you follow the proper dermaplaning steps… unless something really odd happens.

In order to make sure that everything goes smoothly, here are a few things to keep in mind. 

Combine Dermaplaning With Other Treatments

Did you know that you can combine dermaplaning procedures at a salon with other treatments? The main reason why many professionals offer this treatment is to help your skin better absorb whatever treatment is done next to dermaplaning.

Through the dermaplaning process, the pores are more exposed because the outer dead skin layer is removed. This makes it easier for various skin products to get absorbed by your skin. 

Additionally, combining treatments can also help soothe the skin. In some cases, the skin can feel irritated and dry after dermaplaning. After all, a very sharp scalpel was used to scrape off the dead skin cells plus tiny hairs on your face.

Additional treatments can make your skin feel more comfortable and it can also lessen the redness. 

If you’re dermaplaning at home and you experience dryness, don’t hesitate to apply a layer of moisturizer.

Take Note Of Your Current Skin Condition

Not all people are suitable for the dermaplaning procedure. Although it can help with acne, that doesn’t mean you can dermaplane at any time.

You want to avoid dermaplaning when you are having an active breakout, cold sores, or irritated skin. That will just be painful and could also cause the infection to spread. 

Those who have sensitive skin, like those who have rosacea, should also refrain from dermaplaning because it can worsen the skin condition. Try something like light therapy for rosacea instead.

Those who have a history of cold sores should also think twice about dermaplaning. The dermaplaning processit can lead to cold sores spreading due to the micro-tears in the skin. 

Aftercare Is Essential

Some people may blame the dermaplaning procedure for the unwanted skin condition that develops when the real fault lies in the aftercare.

While makeup can work great after dermaplaning, you need to care for your skin after the procedure. Properly taking care of your skin is also very important to the success of the procedure. 

One of the things to avoid is excessive exposure to the sun. Exposing your skin to the sun can cause you to get sunburned easily! The top layer of skin was just removed due to the dermaplane.

You must wear SPF when you go outside, even if it is not a sunny day!  

Additionally, the sun may also cause excessive heat on the fresh skin. Other high-heat areas like saunas and steam rooms should also be avoided right after dermaplaning. Wait for the skin to heal a bit. 

Don’t forget to use nourishing skincare products like moisturizers. Take advantage of the fact that your skin easily can soak up all skincare product ingredients. Avoid those with harsh ingredients to prevent skin irritation. 

Go To A Professional

If you are concerned about dermaplaning making your skin worse, then you should skip the DIY. Go to a professional, at least for the first few dermaplaning sessions.

Professionals will not only know how to properly do the procedure, of course. But more importantly, a salon pro can better assess if your skin is in the right condition to benefit from dermaplaning. 

Although it seems doable to remove the peach fuzz on your face with the usual blades available in the market, that puts you more at risk of scaring your skin. 

What Happens If You Dermaplane Wrong?

The most common side effects of poor dermaplaning practice are:

Acne, Acne, Everywhere

If you’ve caused an acne breakout to spread all over your face, you’ll want to hide away until it’s back under control. It can be easy to forget about that one minor pimple or cold sore and run your dermaplane tool right over it… and then over the rest of your face, spreading the bacteria all over.

Raw, Red, Irritated Skin

If you’ve stripped that layer of dead skin off your face, and then gone and hit the tanning bed, you may find that your skin is unusually raw and red. Dermaplaning exfoliates your skin and reveals new, fresh, hairless skin.

That’s great, but that skin is pretty sensitive, particularly to UV light. You can easily get a sunburn, so be cautious.

How Do I Fix My Skin After Dermaplaning?

Soothe. Protect. Nourish. Not necessarily in that order!

Moisturize, use sunscreen, and care for your skin. Don’t exfoliate your skin again for at least a few more days.

Stay away from a chlorine pool or a sauna for a few days, as well.

Final Thoughts

Many people decide to try out dermaplaning without understanding the process, and the result is a horror story of dermaplaning gone wrong!

The best way to prevent dermaplaning mishaps is to be cautious and conservative. Be sure your skin is in the right condition to dermaplane, and if you’re not sure, go to a professional, at least for the first few sessions.

Remember that your vellus hair will grow back after 3-4 weeks, though it won’t be darker than usual. It will be time for another dermaplaning session at that point.

If you’re ready to give dermaplaning a try, the Jasclair Dermaplane Tools  are a great choice.

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).