Can Microblading Be Removed?

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Imagine not having to do your eyebrow makeup every day because your eyebrows are already perfect! That is possible through microblading. The microblading procedure is a semi-permanent one, and will certainly outlast makeup. 

However, if the microblading results are a disaster, you’d want it undone. You may be asking, can microblading be removed? What happens if you have microblading disaster?

Yes, you can remove microblading in 3 different ways. Those three ways are using laser, saline, and other topical chemical solutions. 

Let us tell you how to get rid of microblading and how each procedure works, so you can choose the best method for your needs. 


Fading Microblading Eyebrows

Microblade Pack

As a semi-permanent procedure, it is expected the eyebrows you get out of a microblading procedure will fade. They will eventually fade until you no longer notice them, but it will take quite some time. 

The speed of fading will vary from one person to another. However, you can expect that the microblading will completely fade at most in two years. 

Letting the microblading fade naturally is the safest way to go back to your original brows. You simply let the body naturally dissolve and get rid of the pigments used during the procedure. 

Microblading Fading vs Microblading Removal

Fading and removal of microblading may seem to be the same thing.

However, it isn’t.

Fading will use procedures that are meant to shed off the skin and regenerate new layers. Eventually, the older pigmented layers will be shed off and newer layers will remain. 

Microblading removal, on the other hand, targets the pigments themselves. The dissolved pigments are then naturally removed by the body or are removed from the skin through extraction. These procedures are harsher to the skin and require healing periods. 

How can you reverse microblading?

Can Microblading Be Removed


In case you can’t just wait for the microblading to fade on its own, there are a few ways you can reverse microblading quickly. Unfortuantely, they’re not easy solutions.

The most common ways to undo microblading are by using laser, saline, or other chemicals. 

Laser Microblading Removal

With laser removal, a laser is used to target the pigments and remove them. This procedure uses a laser in a similar way that it is used to remove a tattoo. (See our article on microblading vs eyebrow tattoos for more information)

The laser is pointed on the skin where the pigments are. The energy from the laser dissolves the pigments.

Once dissolved, the body absorbs the pigments and excretes them. 

Compared to tattoos, the pigments used for microblading are easier to remove. However, that doesn’t mean that the microblading pigments can be removed in just a single laser session. It will usually take about 4-6 sessions to remove the pigments. 

After removal, you can’t have another microblading session right away. The skin still needs to heal.

Also take note that apart from probable skin damage, the yellow and reddish pigments aren’t efficiently removed by the laser. 

Saline Solution to Remove Microblading

Another way to remove the pigments is to use a saline solution. However, this procedure should only be done by trained aestheticians. Some people also call this procedure reverse microblading. 

With this procedure, there are cuts that are once again created on the skin. The cuts will be made above the unwanted pigments. Then, a saline solution will be deposited into them.

This procedure helps the pigments dry up. Through scabbing, the pigments are then removed. 

Results from this method will vary. Some may also use it for fading the microblading. However, it is an efficient way and is a great option for pigment removal.

Topical Chemicals to Remove Microblading

Using topical chemicals for pigment removal such as No products found. is a hit or miss.

Creams and ointments like these are promoted for tattoo removal but today, there are formulations made for pigment removal. 

These topical chemicals remove the pigment by extracting it out of the tissues and then out of the skin. This is done by using a chemical that can lift the pigments.

It is a non-invasive procedure, but it has not been proven to effectively remove all pigment. 

Final Thoughts

Sometimes, the results of your eyebrow microblading are just too off for your liking. In that case, you need a way to remove them. Luckily it is possible to remove microblading by using laser, saline solution, or topical chemicals. 

With laser treatments, the pigments are targeted and dissolved. The body then absorbs the pigments and excretes them out. 

With the saline solution, cuts are made over the areas with unwanted pigments. Saline is introduced to dry up pigments, which are then removed due to scabbing.

Lastly, topical chemicals can also be used. This non-invasive procedure uses chemicals to lift the pigments off the tissues and into the outer skin. This procedure isn’t efficient and could be a hit or miss. 

See also:

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).