Is Anytime Fitness Worth It?

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Anytime Fitness is one of the largest gym chains in the world. They have over 4500 locations around the world, and you can go there any time of day or night. 

No excuses!

However, before you commit to getting a membership there, you might first ask, “Is Anytime Fitness worth it?”

They don’t have the cheapest prices out there, but neither is Anytime Fitness top end. Regardless, there are many people who love AF’s offerings, and are satisfied with what they get for the price.

What makes Anytime Fitness worth the money they charge? Are they really worth that much? Let’s help you figure that out for yourself by giving you the details about this fitness club.


Is Anytime Fitness Worth It? Dollars and Sense.

In order to fully assess whether Anytime Fitness is really worth the price, we first have to know the facts.

How much does the membership typically cost?

Well, the full cost of the membership will depend on the plan that you choose and on the location where you are getting the plan.

If you are used to budget gym prices like those of Planet Fitness, you’ll be greatly disappointed. Anytime Fitness costs quite a bit more. 

However, the prices aren’t also as high as other high-end clubs like Equinox. You could say that they lie somewhere in the midrange. 

The costs typically look like this:

  • Usually you need to pay about $40 a month for membership to AF.
  • There are additional fees to pay such as the activation fee and annual fees. 
  • Usually, the sign-up fee costs around $80 to $100. This will vary based on when and where you’re signing up
  • You’ll have to get a key fob that costs around $25. 

As mentioned above, these approximate numbers and vary by location and time of year. But this does identify the major cost centers of membership.

Before you sign up, be sure to take advantage of their free 7-day trial. This offer lets you test their facility for a week without paying a single dime, as long as you were never a member of their club previously.

Typically there are guest pass options available too if you know someone who already belongs.

Referrals and Promotions

Be sure to watch out for promotions and referral bonuses. Anytime Fitness regularly offers referral promotions that could get you a free month for every person that you refer. 

Additionally, they also offer student discounts and promotions like Silver Sneakers. However, the discount will vary from one facility to another.

Some have a fixed-priced discount while others will give you a percentage off of your membership.

Equipment And Other Features

Now that we the basics of membership cost, let’s look at what you get out of the membership. Here’s what you can expect from getting a membership. 

The Equipment

When you are thinking about getting a membership at any fitness club, the best thing for you to do is to check your local club. Although many fitness clubs have tons of locations all around the globe, you should still thoroughly check the location you’re going to be spending most of your time.

Different locations will offer different gym equipment and classes. The facilities can vary in size, convenience, parking amenities, and all that.

In general, you are likely to find cardio equipment like rowers, stair machines, and treadmills at Anytime Fitness. Apart from that, you’ll also find other gym equipment in the weight lifting area such as full racks and half racks, Smith machines, free weights as well as heavy dumbbells

Apart from those, there is also functional training equipment available in other locations. Such would include plyometric boxes, kettlebells, battle ropes, and others. 

The Classes

Anytime Fitness also offers different classes to its members. Some locations include free classes with their membership offers while others don’t. It is best to check your local Anytime Fitness to get the lowdown on how classes work

Classes are great because you get to work with a group of people who have similar goals of getting fit just like you. You’ll have an instructor who will guide you through the classes. The energy given by the group can also pump you up to do your best.

Among the classes often provided, you could take are boot camps, Zumba, Pilates, and Yoga.

Other Features And Amenities

Apart from the equipment, what’s great about Anytime Fitness is that you can have access to their gym 24/7.

Most locations will give you access to their gym even on holidays. 

Although you can use the facility, the staff may not be onsite 24/7. This will vary again from one gym to another. 

They also have well-maintained restrooms, showers, and locker rooms.

Depending on the location you’re going to you may find some non-exercise amenities as well. Some lotions have tanning booths and massage chairs. Some may even have red light therapy booths that are great for whole-body wellness (similar to the Total Body Enhancement Machines at Planet Fitness).

If these spa-like offerings are one of your priorities when it comes to gym memberships, be sure to check if your local AF offers these features before making a decision.

Other Important Things To Know About Anytime Fitness

If you are someone who is trying to get fit or even if you are someone who is already actively working out, Anytime Fitness can be a great choice. They target more experienced gym-goers than PF and have a wide variety of equipment.

Even still, they may not be the best gym for competitive powerlifters or professional bodybuilders. They do have weights there, but they’re still targeting the middle of the market. 

Note that some Anytime Fitness locations may also be exclusive for women only. Others welcome both men and women. Nonetheless, women who work out in co-ed gyms may still be comfortable in them. 

Best to check what the local Anytime Fitness gym has to offer.

There are some that may also have single bathrooms meant for both women and men. Some may feel uncomfortable with this kind of setup so it is best to check. 

Written by Kayla Young

Kayla is the founder of LuxeLuminous. She has worked professionally in the tanning industry for years. She has been interested in esthetics since childhood, and has tried every hair, skin, and makeup product ever produced (more or less).